《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》玩家創作用素材公開


與花美男死神們的奇幻旅程♪ 這裡是《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》

為了要讓各位經理們更方便地製作二創作品,我們決定公開《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》官方的部分素材資產。


● 公開的素材:

-《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》各屬性及角色的SSR卡片邊框

-《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》各組別標示(曙光組、太陽組、黃昏組、月夜組、黎明組)

-《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》小型組別標示

-《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》值日生日誌格式


※ 素材的著作權歸NHN所有。

※ 提供部分素材資產是為了讓玩家們可以自由進行創作。提供的素材資產一律無法進行原檔的變形加工、再次分享或是營利用途。

eg. 套用素材資產來製作本人的二創作品並且公開 → 允許eg. 套用素材資產並且免費或收取製作費進行創作並且公開的行為 → 允許eg. 套用素材資產並且利用創作的作品來進行販賣的營利行為 → 不允許eg. 將原檔的素材資產變形或加工後,供他人使用的分享行為 → 不允許

※ 請勿將提供的素材資產套用在遊戲故事劇情並且公開,或是假冒遊戲公司相關人員公開遊戲內容。另外,也無法使用在可能侵犯他人權利的行為,或是違反公序良俗的行為。

※ 請在遊戲內的客服中心,參考遊戲內容的使用準則全文(英文版)。



《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》小型組別標示

《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》各組別標示

《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》各屬性及角色的SSR卡片邊框

《AFTER L!FE : 心願萬花筒》值日生日誌格式


AFTER L!FE Content Use Guideline

The following is the content use guideline of the Mobile Application Game 'AFTER L!FE' serviced by NHN Corp © (henceforth referred to as "Company")

The "Game" content provided by the "Company" may be utilized by end-users freely on principle.

However, we ask that end-users follow the guidelines listed below, and any inquiries be directed to us through the in-game contact options.

1. You are prohibited from using the game's content for commercial purposes.

Commercial purposes include utilizing our game content to create merchandise for the express purpose of monetary gain. However, creation of content for private use and sales for recuperation of material costs is allowed.

2. Actions that inhibit or are detrimental to the operation of said "Game" by the "Company" is prohibited.

Such actions are revealing or spoiling the stories of cards, events, and characters in-game through videos, screenshots, and any kind of posting. Furthermore, other ways to inhibit the operations of the "Game" by the "Company," are but not limited to, impersonating the "Company" or its staff, violating others' privacy, and violating the terms of service.

The "Company" will monitor activities that pertain to the "Game" and may take action on the use of the "Game's" content at any time for any reason. The "Company" does not take responsibility for any damages caused by the enforcement of our content usage guidelines.

Effective 11/20/2019

Updated 01/21/2020