As one might expect from the title, this is a reworking of the simple but evocative Arabian folktale, with a lot of banal SF-tropes grafted on to the story. Here the genies are other-dimensional demons who are constantly seeking to seduce mortals into letting them invade the human world. Years ago, one of the jinn's invasion was foiled by four adults, three of whom were killed. The one who survived, name of Khalil, raised the children of the other three adults, but the kids-- who are now adults by the time of the main story-- have only been told that they are all orphans. But a greedy merchant, more or less serving in the role of "the magician" in the original tale, knows that there are special devices, lamps and/or rings, through which one can control the jinn. The merchant talks the three orphans-- Aladdin, his "sister" Shifa and his "brother" Luca-- into ferreting out the jinn-devices. In the course of things, Aladdin and his quasi-siblings find out their heritage, but where Aladdin is Gallant, seeking to do the right thing, Luca is Goofus, the screwup. (I'm not sure why the bad guy has an Italian name when everyone else sounds vaguely Arabic, but since Luca like the merchant is greedy, maybe the former was named for "filthy lucre.")

Much as I liked how scenery chewing everyone was in Pegasus vs. Chimera, Aladdin and the Death Lamp has the opposite flavor, with all of the heroes playing their roles earnestly and seriously. This also works, and makes Aladdin and the Death Lamp a better film. And it helps that there is an evil guy being ridiculously evil as well. Aladdin is the most heroic man who ever lived, Khalil is the wisest man who ever lived, Shifa will deliver lines about nobility that would make you groan if they were delivered any less earnestly, Luca plays off his charmy and tempted halves well, and Sharira would threaten his own mother with death if she tried to ground him.

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An evil Jinn was going to conquer the world, so the three destined warriors trapped it in a lamp (as sending it home would mean opening a portal through which more jinn could invade) and chuck the lamp into a river. Then they make a map to the location for some dumb reason!

Sharira comes and steals the lamp, and Khalil and Shifa arrive to save Aladdin and Luca (and the last remaining cannon fodder guy, comic relief Abdullah (Suresh John)). Khalil gives critical background information about the past of the orphans while Sharira misuses the Jinn for wishes of things like tents and wine. Khalil reveals that Jinns only work in the sun, and their injuries are repaired by the sun. And there is a magic ring that will let you control the Jinns better than the current method of just having the lamp.

The syfy version of a Djinn appeared in the 2012 movie called Aladdin and the Death Lamp. This here monster is kind a like a genie except it doesn't grant your three wishes if rub its lamp, because it will twist your wishes and then steal your soul.

Aladdin (Darren Shahlavi) discovers a book which leads him to a lamp sunken in a near dried up river. When Aladdin tries cleaning the lamp he releases a djinn (a sun demon according to this movie) that had been imprisoned inside the lamp. Aladdin, Luca, Shifa and Kaleel now seek to find the ring which will control the Jinn and allow them to imprison him once again.

Along with those deaths comes the usual below average SyFy special effects. There is a 2-headed snake at the beginning that is the worst of the worst SyFy CGI effects. Never believable that it is actually in the scene with the actors. Another horrible effect is the gooey gold that pours onto a man who wished to be showered in gold (gotta watch your words). It looks more like gold colored Ninja Turtles ooze than liquid gold.

Aladdin and Jafar head to the cave of wonders. Aladdin explores the cave, finds the lamp and returns it to the entrance. Jafar takes the lamp and kicks Aladdin back down as the cave's stairs collapse leaving Aladdin trapped inside. Aladdin rubs a magic ring that I think he already had (I want to say his brother gave it to him) which causes a genie to appear. The genie will grant 3 wishes and Aladdin uses the first to escape. He then returns to Agrabah to find that Jafar had used a wish to take over. Aladdin says that his second wish is to obtain the magic lamp to which the genie of the ring responds "oh no, that's simply not possible. The genie of the lamp is much more powerful than I am". So Aladdin instead wishes he was a prince and the plot goes on.

At the climax (I'm less sure about this part) Aladdin squares off against Jafar while both genies fight (which has a nice symmetry to it). The genie of the ring was simply trying not to die (since he knew he couldn't win). After Aladdin beats Jafar the genie of the lamp stops fighting and the genie of the ring is still alive.

The genie of the ring had a very friendly personality: he wanted to be Aladdin's friend. The genie of the lamp, on the other hand, was very cold: he was only here to grant wishes (in fact I don't think he ever even talked). The genie of the ring was played by an actor (I want to say blue clothes) without special effects as opposed to the genie of the lamp who never had legs and was completely a special effect.

I don't remember any actors or anything useful but since I couldn't find any movie description that mentioned a magic ring I'm going to guess that this is a fairly uniquely identifiable movie. After some google searching, I found this page which talks about the original Aladdin story. It says the original story did contain a genie in a magic ring which freed Aladdin from the cave. I didn't read much of the page but when I saw the part talking about exchanging old lamps for new I remembered a scene in this movie where Jasmine falls for this trick. Although I don't remember if it was Aladdin or Jafar in disguise.

I believe that you are searching for Arabian Nights, a miniseries that aired in 2000. This consisted of five separate stories. The story that you are looking for is Aladdin and the magic lamp

Aladdin enters the Cave and walks through a Terracotta Army until he finds the lamp. He races back to the entrance, where Mustappa asks Aladdin to give him the lamp before he helps him out. Aladdin refuses, believing Mustappa will take the lamp and leave him in the cave. Mustappa, enraged, closes the cave's entrance and abandons Aladdin. In desperation, Aladdin rubs Mustappa's ring and summons the Genie of the Ring (John Leguizamo) who reluctantly frees Aladdin from the cave.

Using the Genie of the Ring, Aladdin challenges Mustappa to a fight to the death with their magic. Each Genie transforms into one beast after another, until the Ring Genie is trapped in a giant mousetrap. Although Mustappa appears to have won, Aladdin is still a thief and is able to pick-pocket Mustappa, taking the Lamp and thus stealing his victory.

This collection includes issues of the Mystic Light of the Aladdin Knights, a bimonthly newsletter for collectors of Aladdin memorabilia and the products of the Aladdin Manufacturing Company, Aladdin Electric Lamps, and Aladdin Industries/Aladdin Mantle Company as well as a 2004 Aladdin Mantle Lamp Company catalog in Muncie, Indiana ranging from 1983 to 2013 regarding the lamp industry.

This collection consists of player piano rolls and related publications produced by Duo-Art (The Aeolian Company) between 1909 and 1932. The player piano rolls and publications were originally owned by the Bracken family and were donated, along with Bracken House, to Ball State University upon the death of Rosemary Bracken in 1997.

In the course of 1,001 nights, Scheherazade tells him the imaginative tales of Ali Baba (Rufus Sewell) who thwarts the evil Black Coda (Tcheky Karyo) and the wiley Aladdin (Jason Scott Lee), who has the genie of the lamp (John Leguizamo) grant him wealth so he can marry his dream woman. 9af72c28ce

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