About me
I am a Warwick Zeeman Lecturer at University of Warwick. Previously, I was a postdoctoral research associate in the research group of Ben Green at University of Oxford. I finished my PhD under the supervision of Trevor Wooley at University of Bristol and Purdue University.
My research interests lie in the areas of arithmetic combinatorics, analytic number theory, discrete harmonic analysis and combinatorial geometry. Here is my CV, a list of publications and talks, and a description of teaching activities.
I am one of the organisers of DECANTER, a workshop for early career researchers in analytic number theory, additive combinatorics and harmonic analysis. This will be held during 19-20 June, 2025 at ICMS, Edinburgh. This is a satellite event to DECANT, which is a conference celebrating Trevor Wooley's 60th birthday. The latter will be held during 23-27 June, 2025, also at ICMS, Edinburgh.
Contact Details
email : Akshat.Mudgal AT warwick.ac.uk
Mathematics Institute,
Zeeman Building,
University of Warwick,
Coventry CV4 7AL, UK.