Characterization of (weakly/properly/robust) efficient solutions in nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective optimization using convexificators

Author(s):  A. Kabgani & M. Soleimani-damaneh

Year: 2018

Title: Characterization of (weakly/properly/robust) efficient solutions in nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective optimization using convexificators

Journal: Optimization  

pages: 399-413 



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Kabgani, A. \& Soleimani-damaneh, M.: Characterization of (weakly/properly/robust) efficient solutions in nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective optimization using convexificators. Optimization 67 (2018), 217-235.


The main aim of this paper is to investigate weakly/properly/robust efficient solutions of a nonsmooth semi-infinite multiobjective programming problem, in terms of convexificators. In some of the results, we assume the feasible set to be locally star-shaped. The appearing functions are not necessarily smooth/locally Lipschitz/convex. First, constraint qualifications and the normal cone to the feasible set are studied. Then, as a major part of the paper, various necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for solutions of the problem under consideration are presented. The paper is closed by a linear approximation problem to detect the solutions and by studying a gap function.