Nice to meet you!

To fill you in on the major details... I have a bachelors and a masters degree in oboe performance while studying with John Dee - from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. I completed my first three years of undergrad at the Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, FL (now known as the Conservatory of Music at Lynn University); also under the tutelage of John Dee.

I have since retained positions as a professional oboist in several different orchestras across the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. My most prominent work is as the Principal English horn of the Asheville Symphony, Second Oboist in the Winston-Salem Symphony, and primary substitute Oboe and English Horn with the North Carolina Symphony. My Reed shop and private oboe studio are based primarily out of Wake Forest, NC - my favorite home so far!

Even though my formal schooling has ended, I feel it's important that I never stop learning. Therefore, I am always doing my best to hone and perfect my craft. Not only as a performer, but also as a reed maker and teacher! I am proud to call Melanie Wilsden (NC Symphony), Michael Schultz (NC Symphony), and Joseph Robinson (NY Philharmonic) my more recent and prominent mentors in my educational journey.

I would be remiss if I did not mention my first oboe teacher, Barry Kroeker, who really ignited my love for oboe and my parents, for funding all those early lessons and reeds/ reed materials! Of course I get continuous and unending support from my amazing husband, Matt, and our two fabulous and fun kids. They keep me grounded and help remind me to put down the reed knives and focus on them. Demonstrating to my kids a strong work ethic while maintaining work/life balance is so important to me as a mom, and something I hope to pass on to them.

Thank you for coming to me for your oboe and english horn needs!