I am creating a form that submits with AJAX then use $_POST to get the values of the form and enter them into the database. But I don't understand why I have had to define the action inside an input in my form, usually I would just define it inside my js. But if I do this I cannot access the $_POST data. Can someone please explain why this happens.

The manual update works fine, till updating the vendor/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Yaml/inline.php. Before, it says 696 files left to upgrade. There I get the error: [Ajax / Server Error for action upgradeFiles] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:"Internal Server Error " jqXHR: " " Screenshot see attached.

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I have an existing AJAX action that's already defined by the theme I'm using. The action deletes a search item request, and I'd like to use it as a direct link - like an Unsubscribe link - emailed to the user along with the search results...

As per my knowledge gsftSubmit() is used in UI Action, whenever we want to use both the client and server side in the same UI action we user this gsftSubmit() function. we can say that it work as as middle point between client and server script.

I think you've got it, when the button is clicked the client side onclick portion runs and then when the gsftSubmit() method is called it runs the server side part of the action that sets the stage and updates the record.

Based on the facts and representations in your letter, we would not recommend enforcement action to the Commission under Section 7 of the 1940 Act against the Depositor if the Depositor relies on Section 3(c)(5)(C) of the 1940 Act.[14] Any different facts or representations may require a different conclusion.

which works, although it seems kind of hackish to be treating an action method as a listener. It's really an action that just happens to be taking advantage of the fact that listener methods don't require that you accept the ActionEvent argument. It works, but it doesn't seem right. However, I can live with that.

For methods that need a parameter, though, there doesn't seem to be any reasonable workaround for passing that argument. I've seen some mentions of using an a4j:jsFunction, but that's even more hackish, hard to maintain, and doesn't really work very cleanly over iteration. I've just had a quick look at PrimeFaces, which seems to have the same issue. That leads me to believe that it's some problem with the underlying JSF spec. That would be fine, except that RF3 had that functionality, which makes it a big issue for migrations. Is there any hope of a4j:ajax supporting a proper action method in the near future? If not, is there any workaround, or should we instead be thinking about refactoring (potentially dramatically, in some cases) to try to avoid needing parameters?

If you are ok working with Strings, and want to look up an object in your backing bean from that String ID, then you can programmatically invoke your JSF converter to retrieve an Object from the String in the action of your backing bean. I don't have any examples doing this, but look at the JSF API docs for details on how to get programmatic access to a converter.

Source code is available in the above piece of code. Code written in bold typeface is responsible to make a request to the webserver. This is all being done using the XMLHttpRequest object ajaxRequest.

Web users are getting tired of the traditional web experience. They get frustrated losing their scroll position; they get annoyed waiting for refresh; they struggle to reorient themselves on every new page. And the list goes on. With asynchronous JavaScript and XML, known as "Ajax," you can give them a better experience. Once users have experienced an Ajax interface, they hate to go back. Ajax is a new way of thinking that can result in a flowing and intuitive interaction with the user.

"What is Ajax?"

Manning proudly presents the original screencast "What is Ajax?" which defines Ajax and shows you an entertaining, working example of Ajax in action. By gradually adding features, the screencast makes you think about the richness of your users' experience and shows you how it is done. It is 18 minutes long (27MB download).

OK this is just a thought as I am only just starting to tackle this myself but it seems that if you just add a bit of javascript to prevent the submit button, you can get all the form fields into an object yourself and then post that through ajax the same way you would any other form.

Hi @hwk , I testet your code and it works great! The only thing now still missing is a way to hook into the validation ajax request, so that I could include image upload capabilities, as described by @valpe . Do you know how to do that? You seem like a pro ?

I build a surfacecontroller with a action for fetching data from umbraco documents and combining it with custom data from a webservice and returns a view with a custom model. The action has one optional parameter.

When I call the action from a template everything works fine. But when I try to call the same action from ajax or the browser (e.g. ) like I would do with regular MVC I get a error and my action is never called.

If I call the action from a ajax request without using dictionary items it works fine too. But when I call it from a ajax request and try to access dictionary items it fails. I get the following error on the code of the dictionary item:

Hi, i had the same problem. I think. There is a fix coming for this that allows you to be able to get the context using ajax. What i ended up doing was setting my node id property in my custom model in my view (Where you can get the currentId). :). Then i can get the node by id in the controller using the node id i set in my view. Hope this helps :)

Note that action="/ajax-handler/" with the "/" at the beginning will submit the request to "example.com/ajax-handler/" regardless of the original url. If you want to request a relative path, remove the first "/".

Hard-coding the address produced a working form. I checked the field value after submission and it was correct. It seemed the dynamic Twig value was not being passed or being incorrectly processed at some point. It seemed strange because other dynamic values from the form were being passed into the data file created by the save action.

It turned out that the position of the reset action is critical. Moving it to the end of the form actions (initially it was at the top) did the trick. I guess the form values were reset before the email was processed.

Have you tried adding custom JavaScript to your view then using the id of the button to trigger an ajax call to your new action? I would simple use Jquery to do an entirely custom ajax call to your action. Very simple to do imo.

I have a custom form action nodes which has a forward.jsp via which the control is forwarded to my custom servlet . All this happens when the form start component is configured to execute the custom action .

Now I want to achieve this behaviour in ajax way . In normal cases where I am not using cq form actions , I can add my js to a html and on submit execute a url to a servlet . With cq form actions how i can make a call to action's forward.jsp in ajax way ?

Thanks for your replies . I can see how acs bundle ajaxes the components but i'm not sure how I can make it fit to my requirement . As i had mentioned before and aas also mentioned in smacdonald post , i can directly call my servlet in ajax script and make it work , but if i choose to use CQ form actions this approach wouldn't work .

When using CQ form actions in formstart component , slingpostservlet is executed which redirects to formaction node and executes either forward.jsp or post.Post.jsp . I'm not able to figure out how acs commons base ajax component approach can be made fit here ? Any pointers ?

I thaught you are looking to pull data into the page via AJAX. If your request forward to servlet & from there make ajax request does not make sense because servlet is server side & why you want to make a ajax request there. Because ajax is client side. Am i missing something here?

I'm infact trying to pull data via ajax , but I want to do it via cq form actions . I have some custom CQ form actions which actually pull data from external sources . I have my from start component which are configured to execute these actions on submit .

Now I want to achieve the same behaviour of executing CQ form actions via ajax , I just select the action in form start component and on submit the form should be submitted asynchronously . I have already achieved this by bypassing cq formactions and directly executing servlet by passing servlet path as url in ajax script .

The problem is that this page is used on keyboard-less kiosks, and once the error popup displays, the page stops responding and user interaction is required to click the "Ok" button. Another issue, which is even more frustrating, is that these windows will pile up on top of each other almost a hundred deep at times, to the point where sometimes I need to force quit the browser or reboot the kiosk. There are also instances where the entire application becomes unresponsive and none of the pages will load. The only way to resolve this is to have my DBA restart Glassfish. He's gone through some of the logs but he's not seeing anything specific that's helping him understand why this keeps happening but he feels that all these popups are eating up connections until the server runs out.

E.g. I have a local block on home page, which has its own controller /view etc., but I want to call a separate action result using jQuery Ajax but want the current page and current block content available. I can get to controller by registering a custom route in global but do not have the current page / block content available. 0852c4b9a8

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