I modified my controller as below and it start working. I don't have an clear idea why it's working now. Some one please explain. The parameter "a" does not related i added it because i can not add two methods with same method name and parameters.I think this might not be the solution but its working

Actually Controller Action is a public method which can be accessed through Url. So any call of an Action from an Ajax call, either MicrosoftMvcAjax or jQuery can be made. For me, jQuery is the simplest one. It got a lots of examples in the link I gave above. The typical example for an ajax call is like this.

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Since you are using ASP.net MVC, it's not a good practice. The more conventional MVC way is to create routes and use those routes. Because in ASP.net you have the option to link to a page (.aspx, .ascx) directly. But MVC controller actions cannot be linked like that. So you have to create routes in your route config (check Global.asax) and then use that route as the url in here. BY default MVC apps will support the following format -

Start up fiddler, run the code again and see what actually came back. Most likely (as mentioned by Yorro) is that you got a 404 error and as you have no error handling in your json call, you wont ever see the error.

I have been working on an ASP.NET MVC 5 web application which includes a view that contains a Raphael javascript image that is using AJAX calls to controller method to get some data on the initial render. When I render the page locally on my own machine, everything executes as expected and the page loads fine. However, when I 'Publish' the application to a test server, the AJAX call hits the 'Error' function every time I try to load the page.

However, it still does not work any time I try to use Ajax to make a call to a controller method. When I take a look at the issue with firebug i see the error that is being thrown is "Boostrap requires JQuery". I have searched the error and have ensured that the script tags are in the correct order- JQuery is being called before Boostrap:

I have also checked the permissions on the files and they both have the same, correct privs which has left me stuck. These controller calls work exactly as expected when I run the application locally on my machine, but error once I have published the application to a server.

I have a "mainpage" controller, with a view of the same name, containing a boostrap navbar along the top. Upon clicking the various options of the navbar, a div at the bottom of the view has it's contents replaced with an appropriate partial (using a "replaceWith / render" call in a .js.erb file)

For one such partial, I have a form with 2 select boxes. These need to be populated dynamically on loading of the partial, so I am trying to put some AJAX together. Below is my AJAX efforts thus far (found at the end of my partial's code):

I'm guessing its the xmlhttp.open that is wrong - I'm trying to call an action (getPerforce) in the "perforce_sync" controller. I'm not getting any errors in the server output - but nor am I getting anything back from the request!

I am having issues making an AJAX call from JavaScript to the C# Controller. I am pretty sure that my issue is the connection url of my AJAX call on the javascript file. If the connection url is not the issue, then I think it might be something in my C# controller. I know jQuery is loaded properly since I was able to console log information before the AJAX call in the RunDemo function.

I have a simple html page with one button. On button click, I need to make an ajax call to my c# controller and retrieve a string. On AJAX success I would then alert on the html page to the user the messages retrieved from the C# controller. Here is a picture of my "TheDemo" repository:

Your AJAX URL is relative to your HTML file, which is itself on your local disk. Therefore, it is not going to your controller, which is running on localhost presumably, but is going to file:///Demo/RunDemo as per the error message.

The url you specified for ajax call is not correct. in ASP.NET mvc we specify just the controller name without the controller postfix and the format of the url also not correct. try the following for url:

Well, your problem is not with the AJAX call but with the CORS permission at the back-end for the security of the system with cross origin resource sharing. you see even though it's allow resource on same URL but your browser blocks the all the resources from different URL.

I have a page /home with a simple form where to select local folders on my webserver. Once submitted I redirect the user to the next page called /copy. Here the submitted data is being used to start a local copy task from dir A to dir B based on the form selection. To display the user the percentage done on the copy task I have a controller to echo json_encode() the percentage value.

My question is how can I fetch with ajax only the controller and not the entire page copy? In a non Kirby environment I would simply put the percentage function code into a separate file and then tell JavaScript to only use that file.

I am trying to call a different Controller method in an Ajax call. I have looked at different posts for a solution but because I do not exactly understand what their solutions are (Links at bottom). I am calling my ajax call from my Home Controller, trying to call a method in my Production Controller.

So I'm getting a bit stumped by this one. I've got multiple pages making lots of successful Ajax calls to my C# controllers on the back end with a variety of data, but now I'm trying to build a simple little content management functionality, and hence update the HTML in a database with new HTML from a JS editor.

Long story short, I've taken out all the heavy Database code and narrowed it down to the fact that either my controller won't accept anything with html tags, or my ajax code is having trouble sending it.

Now the interesting thing is that when I have newContent in the data paramater in the Ajax request set to anything like hello those writelines don't even get called and the whole ajax call fails. Yet when I just use a normal string e.g. hello it works fine. I've further narrowed it down to just the opening html bracket, so even

I got the simple usecase to just send an AJAX request to my controller and receive the result. My current Problem is that the Ajax call returns success with the complete html code of the current page as content and not the return value of my Controller method.

I am trying to do a simple call to my controller via ajax. The RouteConfig has not been changed and set to the default values. When I make ajax call, the Url that is requested in the "Network" debugging tools is:

I am trying to execute a Ruby method in my application_controller.rb from a button in my view.In a post yesterday, someone told me to use an Ajax call to do so because, without it, would just run on page load.

With the addition of Razor Pages as an option for .net core I am a bit confused. I am aware that handlers can be used to call multiple actions of the same HTTP type. But what if I want to create an action that will be used across multiple pages.

I am assuming simply creating a controller without a view is the way to go for these actions. I just want to make sure I will be able to call the actions from a razor page w/ jQuery AJAX or a regular button/anchor tag.

I use an API controller for AJAX actions and Razor Pages for the basic GET/POST. If you want to make an AJAX call back to a Razor Page (or even a controller) see the post below about adding the AntiForgery Token to the call.

Using a technique I found in one of the recent ASP.NET MVC books, I have an action method on a controller that returns a partial view for an ajax request and a full view actionresult for a normal get request -- it checks the IsAjaxRequest property of the Request object to determine which type of actionresult to return. The partial view returned by the action method returns the HTML to display a table of records from a database. The controller that contains the action method is tagged with the Authorize attribute so that only logged in users can call the controller's methods. I am using forms authentication with a 30-minute timeout and sliding expiration.

The problem arises after the user's 30-minute timeout has been reached. Because the controller is marked with the Authorize attribute, a call to the action method after the expiration timeout redirects the user to the login page. However, because this is an ajax call, the html for my login page is returned and rendered in the middle of the page that should contain the HTML table of records that would normally be returned by the action method in the partial view. The ajax call is not really failing, just returning the html for the wrong page.

Has anyone encountered and dealt with this problem? I am trying to avoid having to move all of my server side code that handles ajax calls into a separate controller that does not require an authenticated user, but that seems like my only alternative at this point. Even that won't produce the behavior I would expect, because it will allow the user to continue using the web page even after the 30 minute timeout has been reached -- it will not redirect to the login page.

The solution below with the custom AuthorizeAttribute would seem to have me heading in the right direction, but I cannot even get to this code. It appears that the code in the custom AuthorizeAttribute is never reached after the expiration timeout is reached. It seems like forms authentication is causing a redirect to the login page long before the attribute code. The custom AuthorizeAttribute is the only one on my controller. I also have the following web.config values (the timeout value is set extremely low to trigger a timeout for testing):

In MVC, when you're using the AuthorizeAttribute, it checks to see if the user is authorized and, if not, returns an HttpUnauthorizedResult. This basically forces the runtime to redirect the user to the login page. What you want to do is override this behavior. e24fc04721

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