Azarakhsh  Jalalvand (Senior Member, IEEE)

I am a research scholar at Plasma Control Group, Princeton University.

I completed my engineering degree in Software Engineering at the National University of Iran in 2006. Then, I followed a M.Eng. programme in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) where I graduated in 2009.

Afterwards, I went to Ghent University, Belgium, for a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science Engineering. I received my Ph.D. in  2015 with a thesis on "Design of reservoir computing systems for the recognition of noise corrupted speech and handwriting".

As a senior researcher at IDLab, I conducted research, led projects and co-supervised PhD students on diverse data analysis directions such as pathological speech/image processing, radar signal processing, anomaly detection and predictive maintenance. 

As a researcher at plasma control group, my current research focus is on the development of efficient and real-time condition monitoring and event prediction systems in tokamak fusion devices, by combining advanced data-driven techniques, especially Reservoir Computing, with physics insights. 

Office: Plasma Control GroupMechanical & Aerospace EngineeringEngineering Quad D226Olden Street 41Princeton, NJ 08544-5263
E-mail: azarakhsh.jalalvand (at)
Links: LinkedInGoogle Scholar