Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Security (AISE)

July 19-24, 2020, Glasgow, Scotland

Submission Deadline moved to January 30th, 2020

Select Special Session S20 as a topic

Techniques exploiting AI have been successfully used in many real world applications on a wide spectrum of engineering problems.

Looking at the security context, these approaches can effectively be used to protect the privacy and security of the users of information and communication systems and technologies .

Such techniques can effectively be useful for the verification and mitigation of malicious threats in order and to thoroughly verify security properties. Topics of interest in this areas include: denial of service attacks, forensics, intrusion detection systems, homeland security, critical infrastructures protection, sensitive information leakage, access control and malware detection and tracking. Thus, AI offers the potential to develop secure systems.

From these considerations, the objective of this special session is to encourage the integration between these cyber-security and AI communities towards the development of secure and resistant systems.

The special session will be inserted in the IJCNN conference and part of the proceedings of the whole World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2020) held in Glasgow, Scotland.

Contact Email: marta.cimitile [at]