Airport Clash 3D is a multiplayer shooter where you need to capture an important abandoned airport from a rival gang! Airport Clash 3D was created by Freeway Interactive and is the sixth installment in the Clash 3D series. Your mission is to capture an abandoned airport and defeat the rival gang! Make sure to find and use hidden power weapons on the map to secure victory for your team. Don't forget to upgrade your character, to have an even bigger impact on the battlefield!

Freeway Interactive is known for the Clash 3D series and are based in Russia. They have other games on Poki: Farm Clash 3D, Ninja Clash Heroes, Rocket Clash 3D, Sniper Clash 3D, Subway Clash 3D and Winter Clash 3D

Airport Clash 3d - Minigun Shooter Download

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Airport Clash 3D is an online multiplayer shooting game. The goal is to capture an airport from a rival gang. You have a minigun and 3 minutes to beat the gang!

Airport Clash 3D is an episode of the Clash 3D shooter series, just like Subway Clash Remastered and Sniper Clash 3D. Use your minigun and help your fellow raiders to nuke the enemy's base!In this battle royale game you must shoot to kill and try to rack up as many kills as possible. The game is set in an abandoned airport in the middle of a world war. The planes are grounded and you can use them as cover when fighting the enemy.

Choose from a range of different characters including a commando carrying a minigun. The gun has unlimited ammunition and you can unleash hell with a hail of constant bullets. The game has similarities to rocket clash and is one of the top multiplayer games available.

Remember that you can use different moves too such as the knife spin as opposed to just shooting enemies with your weapons. Keep moving, utilize cover, and try to take as little damage as possible. This game has similarities to Farm Clash 3D but the map is a completely different setting.

Aside from the basic gameplay, there is also a series of achievements and items to unlock. As players gain more kills, they can unlock golden weapon skins. Furthermore, they can also unlock different heads for their characters. The customization is great and adds an additional element to the gameplay.

If players want to keep track of their score and kills, there is also a leaderboard too. In addition to this, as players level up, they can improve three different abilities. Health, weapon damage, and weapon accuracy. This helps improve their gameplay and survivability.

Jump into the abandoned airport today, shoot to kill, and give Airport Clash 3D a try!Release DateOctober 2019DeveloperFreeway Interactive developed this game.PlatformWeb browser. We also have the Android version.Controls WASD or arrow keys to move C to crouch LMB to shoot Space bar to jumpAdvertisementMore Games In This SeriesFarm Clash 3DSubway Clash RemasteredRocket Clash 3DSniper Clash 3DWinter Clash 3DNinja Clash HeroesMoon Clash HeroesSubway Clash 2Vegas Clash 3DZombie Clash 3D: HalloweenShooting

Is it feasible to shoot and have fun at the same time? How do you feel? Whatever your opinion, the developers of the new three-dimensional shooter were successful, and cartoon characters with real weapons seem good. But those aren't the only elements of the brand-new multiplayer shooting game; it turns out that there are many more. To find out what precisely they have in store for you, pick your hero and join your squad in Airport Clash 3D.

The key point is not that the main character has a formidable weapon, like a minigun, which you know what it is when numerous spitting rotate at high speed lead trunks, but rather the fact that he does. The main character looks extremely amusing, and his haircut is normally something fantastic. In addition to the minigun, you might focus on the sniper rifle, which is also present in the game but requires some searching. As you have previously noted, each weapon can be upgraded. However, upgrading a weapon requires gold, and getting gold requires your team winning a combat. Make sure to visit the weapon workshop after the combat.

Airport Clash 3D es un episodio de la serie de shooter Clash 3D, al igual que Subway Clash Remastered y Sniper Clash 3D. Usa tu minigun y ayuda a tus compaeros a destruir la base enemiga.En este juego gratis de batalla royale debes disparar a matar y tratar de acumular el mayor nmero de muertes posible. Este juego online est ambientado en un aeropuerto abandonado en plena guerra mundial. Los aviones estn en tierra y puedes usarlos como refugio cuando luches contra el enemigo.

Elige entre una serie de personajes diferentes, incluido un comando que lleva una minigun. Este arma tiene municin ilimitada y puedes desatar el infierno con una lluvia de balas constantes. El juego tiene similitudes con rocket clash y es uno de los mejores juegos multijugador disponibles.

Recuerda que tambin puedes utilizar diferentes movimientos, como el giro del cuchillo, en lugar de limitarte a disparar a los enemigos con tus armas. Mantente en movimiento, utiliza la cobertura y trata de recibir el menor dao posible. Este juego tiene similitudes con Farm Clash 3D pero el mapa es un escenario completamente diferente.

Aparte de la jugabilidad bsica, tambin hay una serie de logros y objetos para desbloquear. A medida que los jugadores ganan ms muertes, pueden desbloquear aspectos dorados para las armas. Adems, tambin pueden desbloquear diferentes cabezas para sus personajes. La personalizacin es estupenda y aade un elemento adicional a la jugabilidad.

Si los jugadores quieren llevar la cuenta de su puntuacin y sus muertes, tambin hay una tabla de clasificacin. Adems, a medida que los jugadores suben de nivel, pueden mejorar tres habilidades diferentes. La salud, el dao del arma y la precisin del arma. Esto ayuda a mejorar su juego en lnea y su capacidad de supervivencia.

Airport Clash 3D is een onderdeel van de Clash 3D shooter serie, net als Subway Clash Remastered en Sniper Clash 3D. Gebruik je minigun en help je mede-overvallers om de basis van de vijand helemaal aan gort te schieten!In dit battle royale spel schiet je met scherp en probeer je zoveel mogelijk kills op je naam te krijgen. Het spel vindt plaats op een verlaten vliegveld middenin een wereldoorlog. De vliegtuigen blijven aan de grond en je kunt ze gebruiken als dekking terwijl je tegen de vijand vecht.

Kies uit allerlei verschillende personages waaronder een commandant met een minigun. Het geweer heeft ongelimiteerde ammunitie en je kunt de hel neer laten regenen met een oneindige stroom aan kogels. Het spel toont overeenkomsten met Rocket Clash en is n van de beste multiplayer spellen die er beschikbaar zijn.

Vergeet niet dat je verschillende acties kunt gebruiken zoals een draaiende aanval met je mes, en dat je dus meer kun doen dan simpelweg op je vijanden schieten. Blijf in beweging, maak goed gebruik van de dekking, en probeer zo min mogelijk verwondingen op te lopen. Dit spel heeft overeenkomsten met Farm Clash 3D, maar de map is een totaal andere omgeving.

Naast de standaard gameplay is er ook een hele reeks aan achievements en objecten die je kunt vrijspelen. Wanneer je meer kills hebt verzameld kun je ook gouden wapen skins vrijspelen. De vrijheid in de vele aspecten die je zelf kunt aanpassen voegt een extra element toe aan de gameplay.

Als je je score en kills bij wilt houden kan dit via het scorebord. Daarnaast kunnen spelers ook drie verschillende vaardigheden upgraden wanneer ze in level stijgen. Leven, schade aan het wapen, en nauwkeurigheid van het wapen. Dit helpt om de gameplay en kans op overleven aanzienlijk te verbeteren.

Spring vandaag nog het verlaten vliegveld in, schiet om te doden, en probeer Airport Clash 3D uit!Release datumOktober 2019OntwikkelaarAndrew Panov maakte Airport Clash 3D.PlatformWebbrowser. We hebben ook de Android versie.Besturing WASD of pijltjestoetsen om te bewegen C om te bukken LMB om te schieten Spatiebalk om te springenAdvertentieMeer games in deze reeksFarm Clash 3DSubway Clash RemasteredRocket Clash 3DSniper Clash 3DWinter Clash 3DNinja Clash HeroesMoon Clash HeroesSubway Clash 2Vegas Clash 3DZombie Clash 3D: HalloweenSchiet

Airport Clash 3D este un episod al seriei de shooter-e Clash 3D, la fel ca Subway Clash Remastered i Sniper Clash 3D. Folosete-i minigun-ul i ajut-i colegii de raid s distrug baza inamicului!n acest joc battle royale trebuie s tragi pentru a ucide i s ncerci s aduni ct mai multe omoruri. Aciunea se petrece ntr-un aeroport abandonat, n mijlocul unui rzboi mondial. Avioanele sunt la sol i le poi folosi ca acoperire atunci cnd te lupi cu inamicul.

Alege dintr-o gam de personaje diferite, inclusiv un comando care poart un minigun. Arma are muniie nelimitat i poi dezlnui iadul cu o grindin de gloane constante. Jocul are asemnri cu Rocket Clash i este unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri multiplayer disponibile.

ine minte c poi folosi i alte micri, cum ar fi rotirea cuitului, pe lng trageri n inamici cu armele. Continu s te miti, folosete acoperirea i ncearc s primeti ct mai puine lovituri posibile. Jocul are asemnri cu Farm Clash 3D, dar mapa este cu totul diferit.

Pe lng gameplay-ul de baz, exist, de asemenea, o serie de realizri i obiecte de deblocat. Pe msur ce juctorii obin mai multe ucideri, pot debloca skin-uri aurii pentru arme. n plus, pot debloca i diverse capete pentru personajele lor. Personalizarea jocului este grozav i adaug un element suplimentar la gameplay.

Dac juctorii doresc s in evidena scorului i a ucidrilor lor, exist i o list de clasament. n plus, pe msur ce juctorii avanseaz n niveluri, pot mbunti trei abiliti diferite: sntatea, daunele armei i precizia mpucturilor. Aceasta ajut la mbuntirea gameplay-ului i a capacitii de supravieuire. 152ee80cbc

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