Air Cognizer

Know the air you Breathe...

Catch Air Cognizer at Google I/O' 19 at "What's New in Android Machine Learning" session.

Get real time, location based Air Quality Analytics at your fingertips.

Air Cognizer is an Air Pollution Analytics Application.

As the population of India touches the mark of 1.3 billion people and is expected to be the world's most populous country by 2024 , the requirement for generation of resources to meet the demands has increased rapidly. And to meet the demands of such a big population sustainable and sensible development approaches have been outlasted. The need of the hour is to create awareness among the people regarding the poisonous air they breathe in everyday. Air quality information can help people avoid hazardous environment and take respective measures. The government has taken steps and set up nodes at different places but air quality data is still not accessible by everyone and installing an air quality sensor at home is a costly affair.

To address this issue, we developed an Inexpensive, Portable and Realtime Air Quality Analytics Application: Air Cognizer.

Air Cognizer predicts the AQI from the images captured using a smartphone device.

Features of the app






•Reachable to masses