Tree Trimming Service

At Ainsty Felling UK, we offer expert tree trimming services backed by local knowledge and extensive experience. Our commitment to quality and safety ensures that every trimming job is done to the highest standard. 

We specialise in various trimming techniques that enhance the appearance of your trees and promote their health and longevity. Below, you will find detailed descriptions of our tree trimming services. 

Tree Trimming Service - Ainsty Felling UK

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning involves selectively removing certain tree parts, such as branches, buds, or roots. Our team carefully assesses each tree to determine the best pruning approach, ensuring the tree’s health and structural integrity. Pruning helps remove dead or diseased branches, improve air circulation, and allow more sunlight to reach the inner parts of the tree, promoting overall growth.

Pruning Services

Our comprehensive pruning services cover a range of techniques designed to meet various tree care needs. Each method targets specific issues to ensure your trees remain healthy and aesthetically pleasing.


Deadwooding removes dead, dying, or decaying branches from a tree. This improves the tree’s appearance and prevents potential hazards posed by falling branches. Regular deadwooding helps maintain the tree's health by preventing disease and pest infestations.

Crown and Canopy Thinning

Crown and canopy thinning involves selectively removing branches to reduce the density of the tree's canopy. This process allows more light to penetrate the branches and improves air circulation, which benefits the tree’s health. Thinning also reduces the risk of storm damage by decreasing wind resistance.

Crown Canopy Lifting

Crown canopy lifting removes the lower branches of a tree to increase the clearance between the ground and the canopy. This technique provides more light and space under the tree, which can benefit gardens and pathways. It also enhances the tree’s shape and appearance.

Crown Reduction

Crown reduction reduces the overall size of the tree's canopy by shortening the branches. This helps maintain the tree's natural shape while ensuring its structural stability. Crown reduction is particularly useful for managing the size of trees in confined spaces and reducing the risk of branches interfering with buildings or power lines.

Directional Pruning

Directional pruning is a method for guiding a tree's growth in a specific direction. This technique helps prevent branches from growing towards structures or other trees. It is especially useful for young trees, as it sets the framework for their future growth and development.

Vista Pruning

Vista pruning involves selectively removing branches to create a specific view or "vista." This technique enhances the visual appeal of your landscape by framing desired views while maintaining the health and beauty of the tree. Vista pruning is ideal for properties with scenic surroundings, allowing you to enjoy unobstructed views.

Ainsty Service Area

Below is where Felling UK offers tree trimming services in the Ainsty of York.

Tree Maintenance Services

Check out our other tree maintenance services.