
[Ho-Jin Choi]

Professor, KAIST, Koea. President of KIISE AI Society.

Dr. Ho-Jin Choi is a professor KAIST, Korea. BS in CE, Seoul National University, Korea, in 1985, MSc in Newcastle University, UK, and in 1995, PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Imperial College, London, UK. From 1997 to 2002, assistant professor at Korea Aerospace University, Korea, then 2002 to 2009, professor in ICU, Korea, since 2009 at KAIST. Director of Institute for IT Gifted Youth at ICU. His research interests include artificial intelligence, data mining, software engineering, and biomedical informatics.

[Xiaofang Zhou]

Otto Poon Professor of Engineering and Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is Head of Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He is also Associate Director of HKUST Big Data Institute (BDI), Director of JC STEM Lab of Data Science Foundations (DSF), and Director of HKUST-HKPC Joint Lab on Industrial AI and Robotics Research (INAIR). He is a Global STEM Scholar of Hong Kong and a Fellow of IEEE.

[Tok Wang Ling]

National University of Singapore

Dr LING Tok Wang is an emeritus professor of CSat the National University of Singapore since 1 July 2021.

He was the Head of IT Division, Deputy Head of IS and CS, and Vice Dean of the School of Computing of the University. He was a scientific staff at Bell Northern Research, Ottawa, Canada.

Ph.D. and M.Math., both in Computer Science, from University of Waterloo (Canada) and B.Sc.(1st class Hons) in Mathematics from Nanyang University (Singapore).

His research interests include Data Modeling, Entity-Relationship Approach, Object-Oriented Data Model, Normalization Theory, Logic and Database, Integrity Constraint Checking, Semi-Structured Data Model, XML Twig Pattern Query Processing, ORA-semantics based XML and Relational Database Keyword Query Processing.

[Mukesh Mohania]

Mukesh Mohania received his Ph.D. in CS & Engineering from IIT Bombay, India in 1995. He was a faculty member in University of South Australia and Western Michigan University from 1995-2001, and then worked at IBM Research (India and Australia) as Distinguished Engineer.

He has published more than 120 Research papers in reputed International Conferences and Journals and has more than 50 granted patents. He has held several visible positions in academia and professional activities, like Adjunct Professor at Australian National University and University of Melbourne. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a recipient of ACM Outstanding Service Award, and an IEEE Meritorious Award. He was a member of IBM Academy of Technology, and IBM Master Inventor.

[Jamie Hwanjo Yu]

Endowed-Chair Professor of Kakao and Naver, Porfessor at POSTECH.

PhD, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.

Best research adviser award for POSTECH, Ranked 1st at 2016 NTCIR-12, Ranked top 1.1% 2016 ACM RecSys Challenge, 2014 excellent national project, Best poster award at 2013 ICDE, 2010 UCSD Data Mining Contest, IBM AAAI Student Scholarship Award at 2003 IJCAI.

Associate Editor at Information Sciences, PC at ACM KDD, AAAI, VLDB, IEEE ICDM, IEEE ICDE, ACM CIKM, Area chair at IEEE ICDM (2019), PC chair at EDB (2013), Publicity chair at IEEE ICDE (2015), Proceeding chair at APWeb (2010)

[Carson K. Leung]

Professor, Computer Science, Founder & Director, Database & Data Mining Lab, at University of Manitoba, Canada.

B.Sc. (Honours); M.Sc.; Ph.D., The University of British Columbia.

Faculty Supervisor, MITACS (Accelerate & Globalink programs) & NSERC (DG, Engage & Engage Plus programs);

SMIEEE, SMACM; IEEE CS Distinguished Contributor

[Min Song]

Underwood Distinguished Professor of Yonsei University, Korea.

He has published more than 200 international conference and journal papers. Prof. Song has research interests in Biomedical Text Mining, Social Media Data Mining, and Big Data Analytics. Prior to Yonsei, he was an Associate Professor at NJIT.

PhD in Information Science from Drexel University, an MS from Indiana University and a BA from Yonsei University in Korea.

Editorial board member of Scientometrics and Journal of Informetrics, associate editor of Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics and Data & Knowledge Engineering.

[U Kang]

Professor, CE, Seoul National University, Korea.

Ph.D. and M.S. Carnegie Mellon University, B.S. in Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, 2003. Best Research Paper Award (Honorable Mention), at ICDE 2022, Best Research Paper Award, at KDD 2021, Second Prize Award, at MIND News Recommendation Competition 2020. PAKDD 2020, 10-Year Highest Impact Paper Award, IEEE ICDM 2018, Young Information Scientist Award, KIISE 2016, SIGKDD Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2013, New Faculty Award from Microsoft Research Asia 2013, Best Application Paper Award, PAKDD 2011, Open Source Software Award, Silver, at Open Source Software World Challenge, 2010, Best Application Paper Award, Runner-up, IEEE ICDM 2009.