AIMicroservice Consulting

Connect, Automate, Extend

About Us

Long term full stack development software consulting services using the latest AI tools and technology.  Enterprise class security, cloud or on-premise, database design, API microservice creation.

Consulting Solutions


AI Microservice Consulting 

Service available at: [ 116 Bay Street, Daytona Beach FL ]

Phone: [ 407.506.7094 ]

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Model Migration Service 

Model Migration Service is an open source Python project that reads the JSON repository from CA Live API Creator and generates rules, resources, and security which can be used by  API Logic Server.

$python --project demo --repos /user/guest/caliveapicreator --section all

API Logic Server with AI automation

API Logic Server is an open source Python runtime with spreadsheet like rules engine based on SQLAlchemy, Flask, and safrs-jsonapi. This is used to create an instant API connected to your database, OpenAPI (swagger),  and a react-admin user application.  AI Automate the creation of full-stack microservices.

Ontimize Angular Tools

Ontimize is an Angular Web Development framework automatically created from API Logic Server.  Simply connect to any SQL database and create a full featured JSON API, add logic and security, then generate a complete NodeJS Angular app from templates. See the documentation here.

CA Live API Creator (end-of-life)

CA Live API Creator (LAC) creates low code microservice REST API for multiple SQL and NoSQL databases. Logic and Security plus NodeJS devops tools.  This product is at end-of-ife however. the API Logic Server and Archimedes can help developers migrate to a similar platform.

Espresso Logic Cafe has a suite of NodeJS tools to administer CA Live API Creator (LAC) servers. It allows the creation, modification and removal of many common repository objects, such as apis, database connection, resources, rules, etc. As of release 5.0, all repository objects are written to the file system (LAC_REPOSITORY_ROOT).

ALS Command Line Tools

Command line tools that use the JWT authentication to help with testing API Logic Server endpoints.  The GIT repository can be found here.

$als login http://localhost:5656 -u u1 -p pw1 --alias northwind

$als get "api/Customer" -k ALFKI -m json