Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance

(AILA 2021)

Artificial Intelligence for Legal Assistance (AILA) is a series of shared tasks aimed at developing datasets and methods for solving a variety of legal informatics problems. Started in 2019 AILA has so far focused on statute/precedent retrieval and Rhetorical role labelling. This year again AILA will consist of two different tasks. While we retain last year's Rhetorical Role Labelling task, we add a new Legal Documents Summarization task. AILA 2021 will be collocated with Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE 2021) and will be a completely online event.

The task is to semantically segment a legal case document. More formally, it is a sentence classification task, where each sentence has to be assigned one of the 7 predefined labels or "rhetorical roles".

Task 2 : Legal Document Summarization

Given a court judgement, the task is to generate a summary by selecting the most important content from the judgements.

A more detailed description of the tasks can be found on the description pages of task 1 and task 2.

Related literature

Task 1

Task 2

  • TBA

General Guidelines:

  1. A team can participate in either or both the tasks and further in either of the subtasks in task 2.

  2. Each team can have at most 4 participants and can submit up to 3 different runs for each task

  3. Each team must also submit a detailed description of their algorithm(s) along with run submission.

  4. Use of pretrained embeddings is allowed ONLY if they are pretrained on a publicly available dataset OR the pretrained embedding models themselves are publicly available. Participants are NOT allowed to use any external resources other than pre-trained embeddings.