Antigone: Zombie Revenge

This was the first (though yet unpublished) prequel in the world of An Introduction to the Fine Art of Monster Slaying ever made. As it's clear from the title, it's a retelling of the myth of Antigone featuring zombies.

Unlike most retellings, the hero is Antigone's uncle, Kreon, who's sick and tired of seeing his family be destroyed by the gods' capricious whims. He makes the mistake of saying that out loud, which naturally provokes the wrath of Zeus, who, with the help of a few other gods, brings back Antigone, her brother Polyneikes, and Polyneikes's army, whom Kreon had left unburied.

Naturally, things don't go quite as expected and when the first zombies start infecting others, the epidemic threatens to go beyond Thebes.

The panel on the left (or above, depending on the device being used) is from Lesson One: Vampires from when Tim tried explaining what the Order is. Antigone: Zombie Revenge was created after Lesson One's first draft, and therefore the art needs a little more work before it could be published.