Canada-United Kingdom Symposium On Ethics In Artificial Intelligence (EIAI-2019)

A two-day research symposium and networking event organized by the National Research Council Canada and Digital Catapult.


*EN | FR

The 2019 Canada--United Kingdom Symposium On Ethics In Artificial Intelligence (EIAI-2019), will be held February 21 and 22, in Ottawa, Canada. Its goal is to bring together people and organizations involved in establishing ethical artificial intelligence (AI) in Canada and the United Kingdom. This includes, but is not limited to researchers, policy makers, human rights advocates, funding agencies, companies, educational institutions, and law enforcement.

Venue: John G. Diefenbaker Building, 111 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Canada, in the Algonquin Room

Dates: 21-22 February, 2019



  • Presentation slides and video recordings from the Day 1 talks are available on the Program page
  • Working notes from the Day 2 workshop are available here
  • Technical report on the Ottawa and London symposia is available here

February 21, 2019: Open symposium that includes keynote talks, invited talks, and panel discussions with experts from universities, industry, and government. We are expecting a diverse group of participants from various fields, including artificial intelligence (AI), computer science, law, ethics, humanities, and business. There will also be a poster session showcasing student work related to ethics in AI. This day of the symposium is open to anyone who is interested, although space is limited.

February 22, 2019: Closed-door workshop focusing on specific aspects of ethics in AI, such as accountability, privacy, explainability, fairness, and inclusion, among others. We will have moderator-facilitated joint discussions and break-out sessions. One of our goals is to generate concrete and actionable knowledge that practitioners of AI can actually use to ensure that their applications behave ethically. The expected outcome of the workshop is understanding of the landscape of supply and demand in ethical AI, and the proposal of new methodologies to fill the existing gaps. The format of the workshop will be somewhat open-ended and the agenda will depend on what the attendees consider to be important. By invitation only.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Dimensions of ethical AI and how they can be evaluated (fairness, explainability, transparency, robustness, privacy, accountability, etc.)
  • Sources of potential ethical issues in AI systems (data, algorithms, etc.)
  • Existing solutions for mitigating problems, and their utility in industrial and governmental settings
  • Gaps in the existing solutions and requirements for new tools
  • Challenges to implementing ethical AI in practice
  • Determining appropriate trade-offs between system performance and ethical considerations
  • Policies for ensuring that ethical values are implemented and monitored
  • Mapping the demand for and supply of resources relating to ethical AI
  • Ethical AI best-practices

The National Research Council Canada (NRC) is the Government of Canada's largest research organization supporting industrial innovation, the advancement of knowledge and technology development, and fulfilling government mandates.

Digital Catapult is the UK’s leading advanced digital technology innovation Centre, driving early adoption of technologies to make UK businesses more competitive and productive and grow the country’s economy.