Information relating to privacy of the AI Data Science app (version 1.02)

Purpose and Use of Data 

Since there is advertisement from Google Admob* through the Google Mobile Ads SDK* in this app (in this version), Google Admob may use information from user, for example the app name and the unique advertising identifier.   Relating to privacy of this app (in this version), it is mainly based on the Google Privacy Policy.  To understand more about it, the Google Privacy & Terms may be found helpful.   

 *Google, Google Admob and Google Mobile Ads SDK are the trademarks of Google

Please refer to the section 'HOW GOOGLE USES INFORMATION FROM SITES OR APPS THAT USE OUR SERVICES'  in the  Google Privacy & Terms

Type of Data

The type of Data includes:

Please refer to the section  in the Google Play's data disclosure requirements 

Data Control

Please refer to the section 'How you can control the information collected by Google on these sites and apps' in the  Google Privacy & Terms

Management of Data

Please refer to the section 'EXPORTING & DELETING YOUR INFORMATION ' in the Google Privacy Policy

Data Security

Please refer to the section 'KEEPING YOUR INFORMATION SECURE ' in the Google Privacy Policy

Data Retaining

Please refer to the section 'RETAINING YOUR INFORMATION ' in the Google Privacy Policy

Thank you very much and hope this information can be found helpful.