1992 Brunilde Ridgway (Bryn Mawr College): "Figures on Rooftops: Greek Akroterial Sculptures"

1993 Andrew Stewart (Berkeley): "Ancient Greek Nudity and the Rhetoric of Praise"

1994 Larissa Bonfante (NYU): "Etruscan Sexuality and Art"

1995 Jerome Pollitt (Yale): "The Plan of the Athenian Acropolis"

1996 James Packer (Northwestern): "Querying the Mute Stones: The Adventure of Reconstructing Trajan's Forum in Rome"

1997 Sarah Morris (UCLA): "From Ephesus to Athens: Cult Images of Artemis and Athena"

1998 John Pedley (Michigan): "Sacred Space and Sacred Action: Theater and Festival in Ancient Athens"

1999 Mary Sturgeon (UNC-Chapel Hill): "The Theater Facade at Corinth: Art and Politics on the Scaenae Frons"

2000 Sue Alcock (Michigan): "The Archaeology of the Second Sophistic"

2001 Ian Morris (Stanford): "How the Good Life Got Better in Ancient Greece: Economic Growth, 800-300 BCE"

2002 Katherine Dunbabin (McMaster): "The Language of Status in Late Antique Art"

2003 Stephen Miller (Berkeley): "The Ancient Stadium at Nemea and the Revival of the Nemean Games: The Contemporary Social Relevance of Classical Archaeology"

2004 Richard Brilliant (Columbia): "Severan Dynastic Politics: The Complexity of Alleged Family Relationships"

2005 Mary T. Boatwright (Duke University): "Antonine Rome: Security in the Homeland"

2006 Kim Hartswick (City University of New York): "Ancient Roman Gardens: From Vegetables to Vanities"

2007 Crawford Greenewalt (Berkeley): "Votive Offerings at Sardis from Lydian to Roman Times: Problems in the Archaeological Record"

2008/09 John Oleson (Victoria): "Arena sine calce: Building Disasters, Incompetent Architects, and Construction Fraud in Ancient Rome"

2009/10 Jeffrey Hurwit (Oregon): "The Uses of the Past on the Athenian Acropolis"

2010/11 Bettina Bergmann (Mount Holyoke College): "Voluptuous Possessions: Revisiting the Villas at Boscoreale"

2011/12 Christopher Hallett (Berkeley): "The Archaic Style in the Eyes of Ancient and Modern Viewers"

2012/13 Richard Talbert (UNC-Chapel Hill): "The Magnificent Peutinger Map"

2013/14 Barbara Kellum (Smith): "Family Affairs: A New Interpretation of the Porticus of Octavia and Its Neighbors in Augustan Rome"

2014/15 Elizabeth Barber (Occidental): "Penelope and the Origins of Greek Art"

2015/16 John W. I. Lee (UC Santa Barbara): "Warfare in Ancient Persia, 550-330 BC"

2016/17 Guy Hedreen (Williams): "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Creativity in the Vase-Painting of Euphronios"

2017/18 Nicola Terrenato (Michigan): "Elite Negotiation and Consensus-Building: Rewriting Early Roman Imperialism"

2018/19 C. Brian Rose (Penn): "Assessing the Evidence for the Trojan War: Recent Excavations at Troy"

2019/20 Richard DePuma (Iowa): "Etruscan Forgeries"

Questions? Comments? Please direct your inquiries to aiapugetsound@gmail.com