Lecture 6

Why should B2B retailers include price optimisation and demand forecasting at the core of their digital transformation? Mo Joueid, Google Cloud Platform Practice Lead at Kin + Carta, shares some insights on this topic and how the Google Cloud team at Kin + Carta is supporting B2B supply chain optimisation journeys.. Read more on this free link
Demand forecasting is an essential component of any supply chain strategy because, without it, you’d have no way to estimate how to purchase material to meet customer demand. In this guide to demand forecasting, you’ll learn how to forecast demand and the best practices for demand planning in the supply chain. Read more on this free link
Under the best conditions (which no one would say of 2020), forecasting demand is tricky. The hot product this week may be in the discount bin by the next. Swift changes in customer demand make demand forecasting one of the most significant challenges supply chain management professionals face.. Read more on this free link
Stockouts, also known as out-of-stocks, are among the most frustrating experiences for online and in-store shoppers. Stockouts create disappointment and frustration for retailers as well. t In addition to lost sales and revenue, hey can lead to missed opportunities to engage shoppers,and potential damage to a retailer’s brand. Read more on this free link
Generally speaking, when a manufacturing/distribution enterprise experiences a stockout, the ramifications can be troubling on many fronts. A host of factors may be responsible for an inventory shortfall, such as unforeseen demand, poor inventory management or delays in getting product to market. Regardless of the reason, Read more on this free link
This research proposes an optimized SKU segmentation for global CPG and food brands. This aided inventory managers and supply planners adequately assess the varying needs of diverse products, to cluster them according to comparable needs, to reduce supply chain costs and optimize their supply chain. Read more on this free link
Frequent stock-outs and low assortment can seriously harm short-term revenue, and also create significant, and long term, consequences to your brand’s reputation and trade relationships. Read more on this free link
Ever been excited to come across the product you’ve been looking for online only to discover it’s out of stock? We’ve all been there. As a customer, it can be a huge letdown. For an ecommerce business, it’s a surefire way to lose revenue. Read more on this free link
In regression analysis, MAE, MSE, RMSE, R squared, and Adjusted R2 metrics are mainly used metrics to evaluate the performance of the model.Mean Absolute Error (MAE)The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) measures the average absolute magnitude between the actual values and the predicted values by regression model.Read more on this free link
Like your business, your supply chain is a vast and complex network. Businesses need to source product from suppliers, who may also source materials and components from their own suppliers, and so on. Read more on this free link
Is your supply chain risk blind—or risk resilient? Operational risk to supply chains has been growing over the last several years—compounded by the ongoing impact from COVID-19. Organizations need a new approach to manage risk and build resiliency. Read more on this free link
A practical approach to supply-chain risk management. In the last decade, a number of organizations have been rocked by unforeseen supply-chain vulnerabilities and disruptions, leading to recalls costing hundreds of millions of dollars in industries Read more on this free link
Proactive risk management can help limit organizations’ exposure to energy market volatility. Successful strategies apply forward-looking market analysis and factor in global, regional and national nuances. Read more on this free link
Impacts to Automotive Supply Chains from COVID-19. The outbreak of COVID-19 could be the most significant event to impact the US economy in generations with the potential for ripple effects in the automotive market and supply chain for years to come. Read more on this free link
Five Ways S&OP Enables Collaboration and More Intelligent Forecasting. In 2011, 65% of supply chains experienced a disruption Read more on this free link