Lecture 4

The downstream oil and gas value chain is a complex undertaking, starting from the oil fields to the refineries to distribution of products to the end retail and commercial customers. The use of digital technologies and a Business 4.0 framework can help orchestrate the smooth execution of the Supply Chain. Read more on this free link
Technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) are reshaping the global economy, including energy. By employing a variety of cutting-edge technologies—from artificial intelligence (AI), Big Data and analytics, to unmanned vehicles (UVs), blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT)—businesses can benefit from data-led insights, respond in real-time to new challenges, and boost efficiency and productivity.. Read more on this free link
Can small firms survive and benefit from delayed payments? Delayed payments seem to be cTo make as many sales as possible, you want your business to build brand awareness that causes customers to want your products, and then you make those products as widely available as possible. The former is known as "pull" marketing because its strategies are geared to pulling customers toward you.. Read more on this free link
Follow the following link for Push/pull production plan and schedule used in modern refinery CIMS Read more on this free link
Three technology trends are quickly changing global supply chains, revenue management, and the retail industry as a whole: digitization, analytics, and automation. But digital innovation does not come easily. Challenges include internal resistance to change, the siloing of data, and difficulty providing companies with the skills required to understand, predict, and change behavior. Read more on this free link
There are many ways to lead a group, an organization, a movement, a school district, or even a government. History buffs can point to all kinds of leadership styles and practices that have worked—and even more that have fallen flat. In today’s connected and complex world, leadership styles of the past aren’t as effective, and may even be more harmful than helpful.. Read more on this free link
The Indeed Editorial Team comprises a diverse and talented team of writers, researchers and subject matter experts equipped with Indeed's data and insights to deliver useful tips to help guide your career journey. Read more on this free link
We have all competed in various types of activities, perhaps in sports, or school. There may have been prizes or rewards for ranking high in these competitions. Read more on this free link
Introduction: iGlobal Supply Chain advanced due to Globalization and Increasing Free Trade among Countries. Globalization undoubtedly has many Advantages & Benefits of Better Access and Integration of Supplies at Global Level. However, Globalization & Global Supply Chains are more Prone to Supply Chain Disruptions. COVID Pandemic's impact on global trade and Supplies is so devastating j Chain and proved to be a Real Test of to face the Crisis.. Read more on this free link
By implementing RFID to the workflow the business owner has seen drastic changes in the work process, it smoothens the process of managing the products that can be either an object or bird or animal too. The global pandemic has forced logistics and supply chain professionals to revisit their procedures in order to deliver a greater level of service excellence.. Read more on this free link
The new capabilities offered by Digitalization are significantly changing existing Supply Chains. It would be unwise to consider digitalization just as a performance boost of existing activities. Read more on this free link
Build-to-Stock or Build-to-Order? Manufacturing companies are responsible for creating products to deliver to their customers.. Read more on this free link
While successful supply chain management involves coordination across many business areas, planning happens in departmental siloes, leading to short-sighted or inaccurate decisions. Read more on this free link
Dell & HP: Two rivals continuously trying to defeat each other for the tag of number one position in the PC and related industry. Since, early 21st century to till date, there are notable differences in their long term strategies and counter competitive strategies, yet they share a common desire- to be the number one!! Read more on this free link
The Impact of Demand Uncertainty on Consumer Subsidies for Green Technology Adoption. This paper studies government subsidies for green technology adoption while considering the manufacturing industry’s response. Government subsidies offered directly to consumers impact the supplier’s production and pricing decisions Read more on this free link