AI in Society

Understanding and Shaping the Future of AI to Benefit Everyone

Special Issue

Seeking Contributions to AI & Society

We invite contributions to a Special Issue on Embedding AI in Society, to be published by AI & Society: Journal of Culture, Knowledge and Communication (Springer),

For inquiries and to submit your abstract and manuscript, please contact: 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a pervasive part of our lives. From autonomous vehicles and AI personal assistants to computer-assisted surgery and automated trading systems, we are relying on AI to help us make decisions and manage our personal and professional activities. In all these cases, AI promises improvements in productivity and safety. But AI does not operate in a vacuum. Given its integration into our daily lives and social institutions, AI is directly shaping socioeconomic structures and affecting the lives of many individual citizens in profound and often unpredictable ways. AI systems have the potential to reach deeply into our lives, affecting not just our productivity and safety but also our autonomy and dignity. In recognition of this vast potential for good and evil, we have organized a multidisciplinary symposium aimed at developing a deeper and more holistic understanding of how AI will and should alter society. Thus, a Special Issue on Embedding AI & Society is of significant utility and value.

Researchers from any discipline whose work relates to the social, political, and ethical dimensions of AI are invited to submit papers. The focus can be on conceptual or empirical work. Four themes are of particular interest:  

We interpret these themes broadly to include many types of applications of AI across multiple domains, including but not limited to autonomous vehicles, healthcare robots, policing algorithms, and AI personal assistants.

Contribution Types 

We welcome contributions across the following formats:  

Important Dates 

Symposium: February 18-19, 2021

Manuscript submission: May 30, 2021

Notifications: September 30, 2021

Submission final versions: January 30, 2022

Online publication: Rolling, based on reviewer and editorial decisions

Submission Formatting 

You can find more information about formatting under the section "Submission guidelines" For inquiries and to submit your abstract and manuscript, please contact: 

Information about the Special Issue Editors can be found here.