May 27 - 29, 2025

AI Innovation


The 19th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition

Clearwater, Florida, USA

Join us at FG 2025 for a live competition where you interact with an AI interviewer to define research problems, guide an AI innovator that performs research, and vote on the best results in face and gesture recognition.
Interact, innovate, and vote - redefining scientific research.



Interact with a photorealistic AI interviewer.Treat the AI interviewer as your research colleague or student that you are advising, who will perform research and write a draft paper. The discussion is three minutes long.


The AI innovator performs a literature review, generates ideas, writes research proposals, filters them by significance, novelty, and feasibility, ranks them, implements the top ranking plans, runs experiments, writes the paper, reviews, and revises the paper.


Participants and organizers vote on the quality, impact, and significance of each of the generated papers. Each participant votes on three papers. 

Participants are responsible for having the rights to speak with the AI interviewer about their research problems and receive the rights to the resulting papers.

FG's scope is broad and includes advances in computer vision, pattern recognition, and computer graphics; machine learning relevant to face, gesture, and body motion; interdisciplinary research on behavioral analysis; algorithms and applications. Topics for this competition include:

The goal of the competition is to advance human–AI scientific research collaboration in the field.


Iddo Drori

Boston University

Avi Shporer


Nakul Verma

Columbia University

Madeleine Udell

Stanford University




1st Place: $2,500

2nd Place: $1,500

3rd Place: $1,000



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