AI Forum 2020



Latest research in AI
From top tier conference
Spotlight on Taiwan

This year AI Forum invited top tier conference awarded searchers to share their work with audiences.

These top tier conferences have included AAAI2020, WWW2020, ICML2020, ECCV2020, KDD2020

NeurIPS2019, ACMMM2019, ACL2019 and SIGIR 2019

Nectar Program

2020 has brought unprecedented challenges to our everyday interactions, including those in academia. Researchers around the world have seen their boarding passes be replaced by stream access codes, drastically changing the conference experience. Taiwan, supported by a great handling of the pandemic, has decided to take another step forward and continue to host physical conferences, including the International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) on-site.

Since we will be privileged enough to participate in an on-site conference, organizers of the TAAI-Nectar Program want all attendees to make the most out of their experience. With this in mind they have invited 15 local researchers, who have recently had their works accepted to top tier conferences, to present their novel works. In addition to the high quality of the works presented, this program will enable in-person interactions between all participants and hopefully inspire great future AI projects and collaborations.

Welcome to take part in one of the most unique AI academic events held this year!


Morning: AI applications

Afternoon: NLP


Morning: Theory and fundamental topic

Afternoon: AI applications

Dec.5 (Sat.)


Section I: AI applications

Section II: NLP

Section III: Computer vision

Section IV: Theory and fundamental topic

This is the most prestigious gathering of a scientific circle this year. Made up from the foremost of world renowned AI researchers.

The conference will promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster scientific exchange between the award winning researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in the AI field and its affiliated disciplines.

AI Forum

(Sorted by schedule )

Wei-Yun Ma

Associate Research Fellow/Professor/Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Dr. Wei-Yun Ma is an associate research fellow/professor in the Institute of Information Science at Academia Sinica in Taiwan.

He is also the principal investigator of the NLP lab at Academia Sinica, a.k.a CKIP lab. His research interests include NLP, machine learning, and knowledge graph.He is currently working on knowledge reasoning, Chatbot, data-to-text, multi-hop QA, and knowledge graph completion.He mainly publishes articles in international conferences such as AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, SigDial, COLING, EACL, WWW, etc.Dr. Ma has also led the team to develop and release various popular Chinese NLP tools or resources, such as CkipTagger and CKIP CoreNLP.

Chia-Wen Lin

Professor, NTHU

Dr. Lin was named IEEE Fellow for his contributions to multimedia coding and editing in 2018. He is also a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (2018~2019). He has served on the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, He is Chair of the Multimedia Systems and Applications Technical Committee of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society. He was TPC Co-Chair of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) 2010 and Special Session Co-Chair of IEEE ICME 2009. H will serve as General Co-Chair of IEEE VCIP 2018 and TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICIP 2019.

Lun-Wei Ku

Associate research fellow/ Academia SINICA, Adjunct associate professor/NCTU Secretary-general of Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing (ACLCLP).
Her research expertise lies in natural language processing, and information retrieval, especially in sentiment analysis and opinion mining. She is very active in the research community, and the international professional activities she involves include the program chair of StarSem 2019 and ARIS 2019, and the area chair of ACL, EMNLP, COLING 2020, EMNLP 2019, ACL 2017, CCL , NLPCC 2016, ACL-IJCNLP and EMNLP 2015. She is also very experienced in academic and industrial collaborations. Her research collaborators come from US, Singapore, Sweden and Israel, and she is currently working with data companies and banks. Her current research topics focus on recommendation, visual storytelling, sensational text generation, fake news intervention, knowledge-based question answering, lie detection and social media analysis.

Yu-Lun Hsieh

Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

Yu-Lun Hsieh received his Ph.D. from TIGP, Academia Sinica and National Chengchi University. Prior to that, he obtained an M.A. in Linguistics and B.Sc. in Computer Science from National Tsing-Hua University. His research interests include machine learning, natural language processing, deep neural models, adversarial attacks, and computational linguistics. In 2018, he was invited as a visiting scholar at University of California, Davis, in collaboration with Google AI, to explore adversarial robustness of neural network models.

Yun-Zhu Song

Ph.D. Student, NCTU

Hello, my name is Yun-Zhu Song (Angela Song).I am currently a second-year Ph.D. student from Nation Chiao Tung University and major in deep learning for Natural Language Generation. I am interested in controlling the text characteristic and aim to find a better solution for feature manipulation. Additionally, due to the growing impact of social media, the behavior of rumor and fake news is also one of my research targets.

Cheng-Hao Tu

Research Assistant, Academia Sinica

He is currently a research assistant at Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica. He received his B.Sc. degrees at the Department of Computer Science & Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. His research interest includes computer vision, hash code learning, continual learning and network pruning.

Ti-Rong Wu

Post-Doctoral Fellow ,NCTU

He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at National Chiao Tung University in 2020. His research interests include computer games, artificial intelligence, reinforcement learning, deep learning, and machine learning. He led a group that developed a computer Go program, named CGI Go Intelligence, which won second place in the First World AI Go Open in 2017.

An-Zi Yen

Post-Doctoral Fellow,Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTU
Dr. An-Zi Yen received the Ph.D. degree in computer science and information engineering in 2020 from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. She is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Taiwan University. Her research interests include natural language processing and information retrieval. Her work has been published in SIGIR, WWW, WI, ICMR, and so on.

Timothy Niven

Research Scientist, Doublethink Lab ,NCKU
I am originally a philosophy graduate and came to computational linguistics later in life. I am still a PhD student at the Intelligent Knowledge Management Lab at National Cheng Kung University, under professor Kao Hung-Yu. I have recently commenced working as a research scientist at Doublethink Lab in Taipei, working on information warfare.

Hui-Ju Hung

Ph.D Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University

Currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Pennsylvania State University. She received the B.S. degree from National Tsing Hua University and the M.S. degree from National Taiwan University. Her research interests include optimization and analysis on social networks. Some of her work has been published in ACM KDD, ACM CIKM, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE TMC.

Yen-Hao Huang

Ph.D. Candidate ,NTHU

He is a Ph.D. Candidate and Teacher Assistant with the Institute of Information Systems and Applications, National Tsing Hua University since 2015.

His current research interests include fake news analysis, emotion recognition, computational mental health, natural language processing, ,deep learning, computational mental health analysis

Wen-Huang Cheng

Professor, NCTU

Prof. Cheng (IET Fellow) is Director of NCTU AI Graduate Program and Scientific Advisor to Taipei City Government. He is Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, General co-chair for ACM ICMR (2021), TPC co-chair for ICME (2020), Chair-Elect for IEEE MSA-TC, governing board member for IAPR.

His research interest includes multimedia, artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning, social media, and financial technology. He received research honors including 2018 MSRA Collaborative Research Award.

Yu-Che Tsai

Master student ,NTU

Bachelor’s degree in Statistical Science from NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan,in 2020. He is also a research assistant in Networked Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at NCKU. Main research interests include Data Mining, Machine Learning, Recommender Systems, and Deep Learning. His papers had been published in KDD 2020, CIKM 2019, and RecSys 2019.

Cheng-Chun Hsu

Research Scientist (Fixed-Term),Pro Unlimited @ Facebook

I have worked as a research scientist in Facebook Reality Lab at Pro Unlimited @ Facebook since 2020. Previously, I was a research assistant in Vision and Learning Lab at Academia Sinica, advised by Prof. Yen-Yu Lin. My research focuses on computer vision and perception of machines. Particularly, my work aims to enable the machines to learn to understand visual data and improve its recognition ability with less human supervision. I am interested in Domain Adaptation, Instance Segmentation, and Weakly Supervised Learning.

Yung-Han Huang

Machine Learning Engineer , Perfect Corp.
I graduated from National Taiwan University with a master's degree in data science.

I am interested in computer vision and deep learning.

Specifically, my master thesis was focused on video related topics and weakly supervised methods.

Yun-Yun Tsai

Research assistant,NTHU

Yun-Yun Tsai is currently a research assistant in the Department of Computer Science of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). She has been working on artificial intelligence in security and the robustness in deep learning, including adversarial attack, defense, and robust evaluation. She has several paper publications in top conferences, such as ICML, NeurIPS workshop, and NDSS. Yun-Yun earned M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science in 2020 and 2018, both from NTHU. Currently, she worked with Professor Tsung-Yi Ho and Dr. Pin-Yu Chen from IBM Research.



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Become a Volunteer

The volunteers are needed each year to help make AI Forum success. Also, volunteering is a great way to network while getting a behind-the-scenes look at the conference.

All conference program is open to all volunteers.

You will be required to work a fixed number of hours (will not exceed 8 hours in a day). There will be a flexible roster system that will allow you to schedule your work commitments and to attend the parts of the conference that interest you.

  • Free entry of the conference. value for NT3,000.

  • Lunch for the duration of the conference