
We welcome you to the official website of Alhambra High School's Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). This website is your hub to stay informed, engaged, and connected with the vibrant and caring community that makes our school special.

Our Mission

At Alhambra High School, we believe that a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and staff is crucial for the success of our students. PTA plays a pivotal role in fostering this collaboration and enhancing the overall educational experience of our children.

Our PTA is dedicated to:

We encourage you to explore this website in order to:

We value your input and involvement. Your participation in PTA activities, meetings, and volunteering makes a significant difference in the lives of our students. If you have any questions, ideas, or would like to get involved, do not hesitate to reach out. We are always excited to welcome new members and fresh perspectives!

Thank you for being part of the Alhambra High School PTA community. Together, we can create an enriching and supportive educational environment for all our students.


Veronica Alvarez

PTA President 

Alhambra High School

PTA Board 2023-2024 School Year

 President: Veronica Alvarez

Secretary: Veronica Barajas

Treasurer: Karla Cuellar