Research TOOLS

For Students

Research Techniques.pptx

PowerPoint Slide Show on Searching using

Google and SCDiscus

Teachers can download this slide show to assist students in conducting research either via Google or via SC Discus.

Research Student Handout.docx

Student Handout

This handout provides a step-by-step process to guide students in the research process. It can be downloaded and used.

For Educators and Students

There are multiple research models that can be used for conducting research. Here at the Aiken High Media Center, we have chosen Guided Inquiry by Carol Kulthau. Although there are many different models, they all have the underlying theme of making students comfortable with the research process. Specifically, students using one of these models are taught how to find a problem that not only needs to be answered, but that is of interest to the student. These methods also teach students how to find sources that are reliable, which is very important in today's world of social media. This specific model also enables students to see how they have grown in their research so they can use these skills for future projects and in life!

Guided Inquiry

Infographic produced by S. Zeller.