Criminal Justice Reform

Articles on Criminal Justice Reform

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Police Reform - provides background knowledge on police reform concept - Gale Opposing Viewpoints Collection

Defund the Police - provides background knowledge on defund the police concept - Gale Opposing Viewpoints Collection

How Policing Might Look If Defunding Takes Hold - Opinion by Dionne Searcy (The New York Times)

Why are bad cops so hard to bring to justice? Three questions - Opinion by Patrik Jonnson (Christian Science Monitor)

The Pandemic is the Right to Defund the Police - Opinion by Melissa Gira Grant (Gale Opposing Viewpoints Collection)

Need for Changes in Policing - statistical poll (Tribune Content Agency)

Too Many Prison Inmates? It's Not So Simple - Opinion by Morris P. Hoffman from America's Prisons

The Prison System is Broken Because of the War on Drugs - Opinion by Brian Mann from America's Prisons

Banning Private Prisons will Reduce Prisoner Exploitation - Opinion by Kalena Thomhave

Prison Labor is State Funded Slavery - Chris Levester