Phys 755 Quantum Matter & Many-Body Physics


Monday 11:40 - 13:30 (2 hours) Room P-421

Thursday 12:40-13:30 (1 hour) Cavid Erginsoy Seminar Room

  • All lectures and exams will be in person.


A&S Altland, A and Simons, B, Condensed Matter Field Theory (second edition), Cambridge University Press, 2010.

PC Coleman, Piers, Introduction to Many-body Physics, Cambridge University Press, 2015

Additional references

L&B Tom Lancaster and Stephen J. Blundell, Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur, Oxford University Press, 2014.

N&O John Negele and Henri Orland, Quantum Many-Particle Systems, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1988.

L&P E. M. Lifshitz and L. P. Pitaevskii, Statistical Physics Part 2, Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics Volume 9, Pergamon Press 1980


Attendance 10%, Homework 40%, Quiz 10%, 2 Midterms each 20%, and Final Exam 20% (Total 120). Letter grades will be given as follows

AA (85), BA (75), BB (65), CB (55), CC(50), DC (40), DD(30), FD(20), FF (0)

  • In class attendance and participation are critical for this course. For a passing letter grade, you are expected to have at least 90% attendance.

Code of conduct

By registration to this course, you are accepting the code of ethics & core values of METU and commit to maintain academic honesty and integrity.

Any form of academic misconduct, including cheating in homework and exams, is prohibited. Looking for solutions on the internet is strongly discouraged even if you "understand the solution first and then write it down." If you do your own work with honest effort, you will get full credit regardless of your solutions validity.

Team work and group discussions are allowed and also recommended for homework but do not copy and paste somebody else's solution.


  1. (Mar 07) Collective phenomena and quantum fields
    (Mar 14) Second quantization Lecture notes,
    Homework #1(Due March 28)

  2. (Mar 21) Path integral formalism Lecture notes
    28) Functional integrals for Bosons and Fermions Lecture notes
    Homework #2 (Due April 19)

  3. (Apr 04) Spontaneous symmetry Breaking Lecture notes
    (Apr 11) Ginzburg-Landau formalism Lecture notes

  4. (Apr 18) Weakly interacting Bose gas and Bogoliubov theory Lecture notes
    r 25) Bose-Hubbard model, Superfluid-Mott insulator transition Lecture notes
    Homework #

(May 02-04 ) Holiday

  1. (May 09) Landau-Fermi Liquid theory Lecture notes
    (May 16) Theory of superconductivity Lecture notes
    Homework #4

(May 19) Holiday

  1. (May 23) Fermi-Hubbard model Lecture notes
    (May 30) Heisenberg models Lecture notes

  2. (June 06) Quantum magnetism
    (June 13) Quantum Spin Liquids

Homework #5

Useful links