Nanoscale Simulation, Characterization and Fabrication Lab
Welcome to Ahmed Zubair Research Group
Our research group is working on emerging topics such as theoretical investigation of wearable technology, nanomaterials and nanosystems for next-generation optoelectronic and photonic devices, physics and applications of terahertz technology, and ultrafast optical phenomena in solids. Our research also focuses on the fabrication and optical and electronic characterization of nanoscale materials and photonic devices. Our research group is working on establishing the Nanoscale Simulation, Characterization and Fabrication (NSCF) Lab.
Latest News
Md. Mafizul Islam successfully completed his MSc Thesis [August 2024].
Dip Sarker successfully completed his MSc Thesis [July 2024].
Our article on the light trapping by TiN dimer nanospheres for plasmonic solar cells published in Optical Materials Express. [Paper Link]
Nowshin Akhtary successfully completed her MSc Thesis.
Our article on Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity in AlSb Monolayer published in Catalysis Science & Technology [Paper Link]
Our article on Tunable multistate terahertz switch published in Optical and Quantum Electronics [Paper Link]
Our work on 2D Nanomaterials for Spintronic Application published in ACS Omega [Paper Link]
Our collaboration work with Kono Group of Rice University, Huston, Texas, USA published in Signal Processing [Paper link]
Highlighted Research
Effect of Vacancy on Electronic Properties of MX2 (M = Mo, W and X = S, Se) Monolayers
Effect of Vacancy on Electronic Properties of MX2 (M = Mo, W and X = S, Se) Monolayers
Non-Ballistic Conduction in Bundle of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes with Disorder
Ab initio Theoretical Investigation of Dopants for Ultrahigh Conductivities in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes
Wearable Thermoelectric Nanogenerator Based on Carbon Nanotube for Energy Harvesting
Electric Load Forecasting using Machine Learning
2D Thermal Imaging Sensor Using Thermoelectric Effect Based on Carbon Nanotube