Ahern Middle School Library
Find a Book to Read!
Find a Book to Read!
To find books that are in the Ahern Middle School Library, click on the SAILS Library Catalog.
To find books that are in the Ahern Middle School Library, click on the SAILS Library Catalog.
To access E-books, Audiobooks and Magazines, check out SORA, the online reading app!
To access E-books, Audiobooks and Magazines, check out SORA, the online reading app!
Can't find the book you're looking for in the Ahern Library? SAILS can connect you to dozens of libraries across the state, and you can put books on hold from those libraries and have them shipped to the Ahern Library for you!
See Mrs. Doyle to get set up with your online account to begin placing holds on books through SAILS.
Available in your Clever account!
Available in your Clever account!
Grade 6 Gale Lesson
Grade 6 Gale Lesson