Andrew Hanlon

John Wesley Young Research Instructor, Dartmouth College

CV (last updated September 2024)



I study homological mirror symmetry and its applications to symplectic topology, algebraic geometry, and other related areas. My work focuses on developing a thorough understanding of homological mirror symmetry for toric varieties and the partially wrapped Fukaya categories of their mirrors in order to study mirror symmetry more generally and achieve new applications. I am additionally interested in the general theory of (Fukaya categories of) symplectic manifolds equipped with holomorphic functions. These often serve as mirrors to varieties equipped with an anticanonical divisor, as in the case of toric mirror symmetry.

See my publications and preprints for more specific results. 

My research is supported by the National Science Foundation through award DMS-2404882.


During the Fall 2024 term, I am teaching Math 11. The course material will be posted on Canvas.

During the Summer 2024 term, I ran an undergraduate research program for Dartmouth students jointly with Ina Petkova.

 If you have questions about or want content from a course that I previously taught, please contact me via email.