Present and Future of Agricultural Robotics and Technologies: Academic and Industry Perspectives

A full-day workshop to be held as part of the IEEE/RSJ IROS'23 Conference

Detroit, USA

October 5, 2023


Increasing population, decreasing arable land, climate change, and a declining skilled workforce pose unprecedented challenges to the ability to satisfy the growing demand for food on a global scale. It is thus becoming more and more important to increase or at the very least maintain current productivity while using fewer inputs, such as water and agrichemicals.  Precision agriculture (PA) aims to address this issue.  In recent years there has been a boom in agricultural robotics and allied technology (e.g., vegetation-specific sensors) employed within PA routines.  Such efforts have so far been undertaken in a rather decoupled manner.  However, several research labs (both in academic and private sector settings) around the world are increasingly co-designing actuation and perception systems, to help introduce the agricultural robots of the future.  

This workshop aims to highlight and in turn help push forward co-design of actuation and perception efforts for future agricultural robotics.  Its main objective is to bring together researchers that focus on robotics and sensor technologies, and who are situated both within academia and industry.  Doing so will create stronger links between both ends.  Academic researchers will have the opportunity to learn more about specific technologies that are already field-ready while industry partners will gather more detailed information about some key current challenges holding back agricultural robotics research that may not be possible to resolve in a scalable manner within the limits of academic research.


The main objective of the workshop is to bring together researchers that focus on robotics and sensor technologies, and who are situated both within academia and industry.  To support this objective, we feature diverse invited talks by speakers from academia, government, and industry.  To better promote exchange of ideas and engage the attendees, the workshop also features a call for extended abstracts, a call for demos, and a panel discussion.  We anticipate that this way we can reach out to a more diverse audience that includes both researchers in academia as well as practitioners and researchers in the private sector (and help increase the participation of those communities in IROS’23 as a whole).

In all, the workshop will feature:


Invited Speakers


   8:30 – 08:40     Welcome

   8:40 – 09:30     Invited Talks Session 1

   9:30 – 10:00     Lightning Poster Talks Session 1 (eight presentations, 3 min each - see information below)

10:00 – 11:00     Coffee Break & Poster Session 1

11:00 – 12:30     Invited Talks Session 2

12:30 – 13:30     Lunch

13:40 – 14:30     Invited Talks Session 3

14:30 – 15:00     Lightning Poster Talks Session 2  (eight presentations, 3 min each - see information below)

15:00 – 16:00     Coffee break & Poster Session 2

16:00 – 16:50     Invited Talks Session 4

16:50 – 17:25     Panel

17:25 – 17:30     End

Poster Contributions (and Lightning Talks)

Session 1

Session 2

Call for Contributions

We invite submissions of extended abstracts (2 pages max).  We consider any type of relevant work in the domain of agricultural robotics and automation technology.  Both basic and applied research results (including negative results!) are appropriate for the workshop.  

Submitted abstracts (to be peer-reviewed by the workshop organizers) will be presented during the workshop in a poster format.  In addition, poster presenters will also give lighting talks (3-min long) to promote their work.  

To submit an extended abstract, please use the Microsoft CMT tool via the link below:

Important Dates