Algebraic Groups on the Grand Canal

Warwick Venice Centre

7th —11th  April 2025


Mike Bate (York)

Giovanna Carnovale (Padua)

Dan Ciubotaru (Oxford)

Sean Cotner (Michigan)

Francesco Esposito (Padua)

Meinolf Geck (Stuttgart)

Jonathan Gruber (Erlangen-Nürnberg)

Martina Lanini (Tor Vergata Rome)

Martin Liebeck (Imperial College London)

Alastair Litterick (Essex)

Rachel Pengelly (Manchester)

Julia Pevtsova (Washington)

Alexander Premet (Manchester)

Beth Romano (King's College London) 

Aluna Rizzoli (King's College London)

David Stewart (Manchester)

Jay Taylor (Manchester)

Donna Testerman (EPFL)


Adam Thomas (Warwick)

A conference about algebraic groups and closely related objects happening on the Grand Canal in Venice. 

We thank the EPSRC for support through the grant EP/W000466/1.