Downtime - Rova 24 - 30

Viggo - Seeing that everyone was making friends with the seneschal of the Citadel, Viggo spent a day speaking with Rorsk. He asked the dwarf where we was getting his stone. When the mason responded that it was transported from Almas or Elidir, Viggo explained how much easier it would be if they simply extracted their own stone with explosives. Rorsk laughed for a long while, assuming that the Mad Bomber was joking.

Viggo succeeds at his Befriend An NPC check. For one week, he receives a 10% discount on all products and services from Rorsk and Tuskhead Stoneworking (this applies after this Downtime period, not to any jobs he's already contracted for).

Filled with his new idea for bringing stone in to Breachill, Viggo visited Quentino Posandi to explain his idea. When the old Chelish stone magnate asked where the half-elf planned to find this fabled stone quarry, the supremely intelligent alchemist pointed at the ground. Quentino also thought that the alchemist was joking.

Viggo succeeds at his Befriend An NPC check. For one week, he receives a 10% discount on all products and services from Quentino Posandi and Posandi Bros (this applies after this Downtime period, not to any jobs he's already contracted for).

After being received favorably, Viggo worked feverishly to make a batch of explosives suitable for blowing up rocks. He didn't have an opportunity to test them, since there were no quarries around, but he figured that was something for the masons to figure out. He arrived a few days later at Tuskhead Stoneworking with his arms laden with experimental explosives. Rorsk's assistant looked him strangely and tried to explain once more that they imported their stone. Viggo countered that they wouldn't need to if they just blew up rocks instead. After some desperate haggling (and explanations of the word 'quarry'), the assistant felt pity and bought a few of the untested explosives.

Viggo fails his Earn Income check, earning only 2 silver pieces.

Inagra - Inagra continues her plans to open up the stairwell, this time clearing the way from the basement to Alesta's Ring. She also hired Rorsk, who was quickly becoming a rich man, to oversee the repairs along with citadel administration.

Inagra succeeds at her Organize Labor check, securing the a group of organized workers for six days. They begin working on the stairs from the basement to Alesta's Ring (Rova 25 - 30). With the costs of employing Rorsk, the workers, and supplies, as well as asking Rorsk to stay on as seneschal for an additional day, the costs come to 14 gold and 4 silver pieces (deficit).

With her time off, Inagra went to look for work around town, but quickly realized that she wasn't welcome in as many theological circles as she would like. Instead she took a more academic route and went to work with Jorell Blacktusk as his assistant clerk in the Breachill Archives. As much as she was interested in the town history, her eyes soon glazed over after countless farm deeds, court disputes over missing barnyard animals, and citizen complaints. Still, she did a fine job, and got along well with the neat and meticulous half-orc who runs the Archives.

Inagra succeeds at her Earn Income check, earning 1 gold and 2 silver pieces.

Uhn - Feeling a need to take out his rage and get away from the numerous rumors about him flying around town, Uhn returned to hitting trees with an axe. It was honest work and it let him take his frustrations out on inanimate objects. Yet as he worked, he couldn't help but feel eyes on him from the treeline...

Uhn succeeds at his Earn Income check, earning 1 gold and 8 silver pieces.

Wrin - Looking to grease the wheels of commerce, Wrin spent a day with the rather strange and eccentric halfling that runs Quarters and Bits, Crink Twiddleton. The small man with the twisted and burnt face seemed curious about the half-orc's sudden interest in his work. Nevertheless, he showed Wrin around the store and even enjoyed a fine discourse on the methods of advertising on personality alone. The sorcerer attempted to avoid the topic of fire -as he tried hard not to look at the burns that marred Crink's face- but the shopkeep seemed not to care, as he prattled on with numerous (conflicting) stories about how he earned his deformity.

Wrin succeeds at his Befriend An NPC check. For four weeks, he receives a 10% discount on all products from Quarters and Bits. The halfling finds Wrin a curiosity more than a friend, but is always willing to deal with the curious.

The half-orc seemed to take a liking to the Pickled Ear and he signed up with Roxie to work another handful of days with her. This time, however, his reputation seemed to have preceded him. Any time a voice was raised or a glass smashed in anger, all it took was a hardened look from the sorcerer to calm everyone down. With a wink and a nod, Roxie was more than happy to add a little extra to Wrin's salary after his hard work.

Wrin critically succeeds at his Earn Income check, earning 4 gold and 2 silver pieces.

Additionally, concerned about the livability of the citadel (and draft, with winter fast approaching), Wrin has hired Fadelby Vusker (of Vusker's Carts & Wheels) to make some general repairs on the property while the group is busy. This will take 14 days of work (beginning on Lamashan 1 and ending on Lamashan 14) and cost 42 gold pieces (deficit).