Downtime - Rova 17 - 23

Viggo - Viggo joins up with Trinil Uskwold at Wizard's Grace to help explain the basic rudiments of Arcane magic. Unfortunately, he muddles his words and the process is slow going. The young woman is left more confused than when she began.

Viggo fails his Earn Income check, making only 2 silver and 4 copper pieces.

Frustrated, he turns to what he knows best. He sets up a small stand out in the Wagon Flats and begins selling his goods to passerby. He does considerably better in this endeavor. People are happy to buy his poultices and antidotes, though many are loathe to purchase his explosives.

Viggo succeeds on his Earn Income check, earning 9 silver pieces.

Inagra - Looking around at the extensive work to be done, Inagra heads into town to drum up some workers to take care of the rubble blocking the stairwell to the lower levels.

Inagra succeeds at her Organize Labor check, securing the a group of organized workers for four days. They begin working on the stairs from the courtyard to the basement (Rova 21 - 24). With the costs of employing Rorsk, the workers, and supplies, as well as asking Rorsk to stay on as seneschal for an additional day, the costs come to 10 gold and 5 silver pieces (deficit).

Inagra also takes some time out of her schedule to spend a day with Rorsk, getting to know the stoneworker turned militia captain. They have a fantastic day bounding over their shared dwarven history, including discussions about maximizing profit in a small town and the benefits of a strong moral backbone in this day and age.

Inagra critically succeeds at her Befriend An NPC check. She and Rorsk are now permanently friends. She receives a 10% discount on all products and services from Rorsk and Tuskhead Stoneworking (this applies after this Downtime period, not to any jobs he's already contracted for). As well, Rorsk has shown an increased interest in Abadar as well as the Prophecies of Kalistrade.

Riding high after a lovely outing with Rorsk, Inagra takes to Shelyn's Smile to give a speech to the artful priests and lay worshipers of the land. Unfortunately, the parishioners are a rather undisciplined people, and it isn't long before Inagra is worrying them with her talk of burning doom and a rigid structure to life that would vastly improve their well being.

Inagra critically fails her Earn Income check, earning no money and being asked to stay away from the church of Sheyln until the clerics within have had "time to recover."

Uhn - Uhn begins speaking with Rorsk, curious about what exactly the dwarf does for a living. Uhn speaks of his own fascination with blades and other destructive elements. The two hit it off, and are on surprisingly good terms despite Rorsk's initial plans to kill the goblin himself. They agree to meet up periodically for drinks, when time allows.

Uhn succeeds at his Befriend An NPC check. For one week, he receives a 10% discount on all products and services from Rorsk and Tuskhead Stoneworking (this applies after this Downtime period, not to any jobs he's already contracted for). Rorsk seems to be actively trying to grow this relationship, having discarded his prejudices from the past.

Uhn then spent a day around the Posandi Bros. stoneworking manor. He asked a number of questions to Quentio Posandi who seemed more annoyed with the goblin than understanding. Uhn tried to explain some of the things that Rorsk had told him about, but the Chelish man brushed it off as "out of style, out of fashion dwarven frippery." As though hurt by the insult to dwarves, Uhn insinuated that if such comments were said near him again, a massive horsechopper would find its way into the guts of some old men with strange accents. He was quickly removed from the premises.

Uhn critically fails his Befriend An NPC check. He has permanently damaged his reputation with Quentino Posandi. The Chelish stoneworker has began spreading the news of the "vicious goblin" who threatened to assault him in his own home. All DCs to Impress Quentio in the future increase by 5 for Uhn. Additionally, rumors about Uhn have spread through town.

Ready to work off some frustration, Uhn takes to cutting wood for the lumber mill in town. He's confused when he's asked to use a hatchet rather than Choppy, but he quickly gets the hang of swinging the vicious weapon.

Uhn succeeds at his Earn Income check, earning 15 silver pieces.

Wrin - Channeling his anti-social nature, the half-orc found himself at the Pickled Ear growling at any nearby patron who dared to start trouble. This seemed to to curb most of the chaos for a few days at least.

Wrin succeeds at his Earn Income check, earning 15 silver pieces.