Yes I want a mobile android app. 25$ does seem reasonable. My choice would be galactic civilizations 3, but any version would be better than what they have. I think galactic civilizations 2 complete is reasonable. Bigger is better, but I am willing to use a shrink down map. I probably pay for the base game, but I'm am willing to start with galactic civilizations 2, and work from there. The real changes that would be needed are touch controls.

Sure there'd have to be a lot of simplification with personalised ships (perhaps just a list of parts that are placed into a default position) and a limitation on the amount of other civilisations and map sizes etc. But it is more than feasible. I think people's reluctance to pay for android games is the biggest barrier here though.

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The game features several civilizations not featured in previous incarnations of Civilization, while many returning civilizations have new capitals or new leaders. A critical design focus was to avoid having the player follow a pre-set path of improvements towards their civilization which they had observed from earlier games. New to Civilization VI is the use of districts outside the city center to house most of the buildings. For example, a campus district must be built in order to house science-based buildings. Other new features include research on the game's technology tree based on nearby terrain, a similar technology tree for cultural improvements, and a better government civics structure for those playing on a cultural victory path. There are also new artificial intelligence mechanics for computer-controlled opponents, which include secret goals and randomized engagements to disrupt an otherwise stable game.

Civilization VI is a turn-based strategy video game in which one or more players compete alongside computer-controlled AI opponents to grow their individual civilization from a small tribe to control the entire planet across several periods of development. This can be accomplished by achieving one of several victory conditions, all based on the 4X gameplay elements, "eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate". Players manage a civilization of their choice and develop their technology, culture, and government structure between ancient times and the near future. They found cities and grow them through the creation of mines, farms, and other improvements, while simultaneously exploring the randomly-generated world and encountering other civilizations and barbarians. Players have the ability to trade and manage peaceful diplomatic relations with other civilizations or alternatively go to war through the use of military force.[1] The standard edition introduced nineteen civilizations and twenty leaders:

Similar to previous Civilization games, each civilization comes with at least one unique unit (often one associated closely with the civilization in a historical sense, though not always with the leader), as well as another unique benefit such as an improvement, building, or a second unique unit. One major change between Civilization V and Civilization VI is that both leaders and civilizations have a benefit. The Greeks, regardless of leader, can produce the Hoplite (as a spearman replacement), and Acropolis (as a theater square replacement), and receive Plato's Republic for an extra policy slot. Gorgo receives a bonus towards defeating military units however that Pericles does not, and vice-versa.

The first expansion, Rise and Fall, was released on February 8, 2018, and brought the concepts of the rising and falling of civilizations.[40] The cities have loyalty; if the loyalty level falls too low, the city becomes a free city and may join other civilizations. A civilization has the potential to enter into a Golden Age by completing certain milestones, and can choose a special bonus in that age, but if the player does not maintain certain milestones afterwards, the civilization could fall into a Dark Age, affecting loyalty. In a Dark Age, the player can choose to implement powerful Dark Age policies, but they have a cost. If the player gets a Dark Age followed by a golden age, instead of getting a golden age, it gets a Heroic Age, with the right to choose three bonuses. The expansion also adds governors, who increase the loyalty of cities and award a special bonus to that city. By promoting governors, players add another bonus.[41][42]

The game's second major expansion, Gathering Storm, was announced in November 2018 and was released on February 14, 2019.[43] The expansion added, among other features, impacts from natural disasters like floods, volcanoes, and droughts that affect gameplay. Additionally, a new climate system was added to track climate change throughout the player's game, with the potential for additional environmental effects to result from this. Existing civilizations and leaders were rebalanced to reflect these new gameplay additions respective to each civilization's historical past, such as Egypt being able to take advantage of river flooding for improved food production. The game also re-introduced the Diplomatic victory type, which last appeared in Civilization V.[44][45]

Firaxis announced in May 2020 a "New Frontier Pass" season pass for the game, consisting of six downloadable content packs, each to be released every two months from May until March 2021. A total of nine new leaders and eight new civilizations were added through the six packs, as well as new gameplay modes and additional features such as new wonders and buildings. There were also additional free updates to the game for all players along with these content packs.[48]

The first pack featured the Maya and Gran Colombian civilizations, led by Lady Six Sky and Simn Bolvar respectively. The expansion also introduced a new game mode titled "Apocalypse". In the Apocalypse game mode, natural disasters happen much more frequently. Once the world's climate change level reaches a maximum, the world enters an apocalypse state, causing an even further increase to severe natural disasters and meteor strikes.[49]

The fifth pack introduced the Vietnamese civilization, led by Lady Triu; Kublai Khan, who is an alternative leader for both Mongolian and Chinese civilizations; the Preserve district, which has no yield at all but gives bonuses to nearby tiles; and the "Monopolies and Corporations" mode, which allows players to make use of excess luxury resources to improve cities and provides other bonuses should they manage to monopolize them.[53]

In August 2017, Fantasy Flight Games announced that they would be publishing Civilization: A New Dawn, a board game building upon their 2010 release Civilization: The Board Game, incorporating new mechanics and features based on Civilization VI. It was published in 2017.[82][83] An expansion pack to the game, called Terra Incognita, was released in October 2020. The expansion introduces additional features from the video game, including more civilizations and districts. On February 17, 2023, the parent company 2K announced that Firaxis is working on the subsequent mainline Sid Meier's Civilization game.[84]

When you start a new round, you can choose between eight different civilizations including China, Spain, Korea, France, Japan and Germany. Once you've selected your civilization, you start out with just a few huts, farms and a lumber mill. Your job is to convert this tiny allowance into a thriving metropolis capable of withstanding the test of time.

Your three main jobs in Rise of Kingdoms are the following: build new buildings to improve your empire, explore neighboring territories, and of course, fend your city off from any external threats. To combat barbarians and other civilizations you're going to need both troops and generals. So, you'll need to recruit a handful of generals to eventually level up and teach new skills to.

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