Previous years: 2018/2019
Giulio Caviglia (Purdue University)
Date: 17/7/2019 Time: 15:00 Room: 713
Title: Sequentially Cohen Macaulay modules and graded local cohomology tables.
Abstract: We consider, along the lines of Boij-Soderberg theory, the problem of writing local cohomology tables as finite sums, with positive rational coefficients, of tables from an explicit list. We show how this can be easily done for sequentially Cohen Macaulay modules. We then extend previous work by De Stefani and Smirnov by considering modules with large E-depth, i.e. a weaker condition than being sequentially Cohen Macaulay. Finally we show how the E- depth can be computed using partial generic initial ideals. This is a joint work with Alessandro De Stefani
Paolo Mantero (University of Arkansas)
Date: 17/7/2019 Time: 14:00 Room: 713
Title: Singularities and canonical modules of Rees-like algebras
Abstract: Recently, Peeva and McCullough introduced Rees-like algebras to construct non-normal varieties which are counterexamples to Eisenbud-Goto regularity conjecture. In this talk we focus on the nature of the geometry of these varieties. We study their singular locus, and characterize when they are weakly normal, seminormal and F-split. Finally, we exhibit a finite free resolution of the canonical module of a Rees-like algebra which has a surprising self-dual structure. This talk is based on a joint work with J. McCullough and L.E. Miller.