The AIM mission first observed noctilucent clouds over the Arctic in 2007, and the clouds seem to be appearing earlier and at lower latitudes. They have been observed as far south as Utah and Colorado. Research has also shown that they have been getting brighter.

When my parents arrived, my mother was wearing a long silk skirt and a leopard-print blouse with an oversized collar; my father wore dark-wash jeans and a crisp cotton shirt the color of a live trout. They looked as elegant as I had hoped. Did they like this bar? I asked. No, they did not. Also, the weather was bad. They had not had a good day. They had visited a museum whose folksy Americana quilts struck them as totally pathetic. Their tour guide had braces, which was childish and disgusting. They did not know why they were in this city. They were feeling disillusioned with the nation as a whole. Violent crime, they reminded me, was on the rise. My mother ordered a gin and tonic and stirred it with her pinky while she rattled off a list of the zoo animals she did and did not like.

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I closed my eyes and thought about Monday, about all of the emails that had yet to be sent, emails that would be nothing, absolutely nothing, without me. I could no longer see the stars or the fireflies, but I knew that they were there. Each one was an unintelligible miracle, a pinpoint of light drawn perfectly into its fold of darkness.

Parks After Dark is modeled after similar programs in the area, including a number of County initiatives. These programs are credited with reducing crime and creating a sense of community and safe places to gather and play on summer nights.

Section 6. Regular Meeting. Board shall meet on a regular basis at a minimum bi-monthly. An annual meeting will be held to coincide with the election of directors. The Board may provide, by resolution, for additional regular meetings without notice other than the notice provided by the resolution. Board Agenda will be made available 48 hours prior to meeting along with location and time. Board meetings will be made available via the Dark Clouds calendar and social media. Any changes will be announced 48 hours prior to meeting. Minutes of the meeting will be made available to the general membership no later than two weeks after a meeting.

Most states have found that keeping and making any needed changes to their pension plan design has enabled them to meet three key goals: ensuring fiscal responsibility, providing taxpayers with a qualified public workforce, and delivering a modest, secure retirement after a public service career. As Florida lawmakers consider any retirement plan modifications, a prudent move would be to carefully examine the ill-fated experiences of other jurisdictions in Florida and across the nation.

Shortly thereafter, the town experienced a high rate of retirements and unprecedented early departures of experienced police officers and firefighters to neighboring jurisdictions with better benefits. Understaffed, the town faced increased costs to pay overtime hours and train replacements for more than 100 public safety workers who departed during a four-year period after the pension changes.

Hopefully, the Sunshine State will take all these factors into account and continue on a responsible path. Bad weather is hard to control in Florida, but it is possible to avoid the dark clouds other states have run into when it comes to retirement plans.

Researchers told the CBC in 2019 that there are still unknowns about noctilucent clouds, but three things need to be present in order for them to form: an increase in water vapour, very cold temperatures, and particles such as meteoroid dust on which the water vapour can freeze.

When noctilucent clouds are spotted, it is usually on clear summer evenings, but the odds of seeing them might be getting better. A 2018 study suggested that an increase of water vapour in the upper atmosphere caused by human activity is also increasing the phenomenon's occurrence.

All clouds are made up of basically the same thing: water droplets or ice crystals that float in the sky. But all clouds look a little bit different from one another, and sometimes these differences can help us predict a change in the weather.

Lenticular clouds Lenticular clouds are shaped like lenses or almonds or...flying saucers! They may get their shape from hilly terrain or just the way the air is rising over flat terrain.

Weather prediction: None!

The GOES-16 (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16) satellite can watch clouds with a new instrument called the Advanced Baseline Imager, or ABI for short. Scientists have found that rapid growth and cooling at the tops of clouds are indicators of the potential for severe weather. The ABI can show more detailed changes in cloud-top features, helping scientists assess the potential size and severity of a storm even before it reaches its peak!

A dark nebula or absorption nebula is a type of interstellar cloud, particularly molecular clouds, that is so dense that it obscures the visible wavelengths of light from objects behind it, such as background stars and emission or reflection nebulae. The extinction of the light is caused by interstellar dust grains located in the coldest, densest parts of molecular clouds. Clusters and large complexes of dark nebulae are associated with Giant Molecular Clouds. Isolated small dark nebulae are called Bok globules. Like other interstellar dust or material, things it obscures are only visible using radio waves in radio astronomy or infrared in infrared astronomy.

Dark clouds appear so because of sub-micrometre-sized dust particles, coated with frozen carbon monoxide and nitrogen, which effectively block the passage of light at visible wavelengths. Also present are molecular hydrogen, atomic helium, C18O (CO with oxygen as the 18O isotope), CS, NH3 (ammonia), H2CO (formaldehyde), c-C3H2 (cyclopropenylidene) and a molecular ion N2H+ (diazenylium), all of which are relatively transparent. These clouds are the spawning grounds of stars and planets, and understanding their development is essential to understanding star formation.[1][2]

The form of such dark clouds is very irregular: they have no clearly defined outer boundaries and sometimes take on convoluted serpentine shapes. The closest and largest dark nebulae are visible to the naked eye, since they are the least obscured by stars in between Earth and the nebula, and because they have the largest angular size, appearing as dark patches against the brighter background of the Milky Way like the Coalsack Nebula and the Great Rift. These naked-eye objects are sometimes known as dark cloud constellations and take on a variety of names.

The Beartooth Highway is one of the best places to see beyond the stars-- into the furthest reaches of our galaxy. Drive the sceneic route at sunset to reach the top of the road just as the night sky begins to settle over the state. You'll be well above the treeline for a perfect, unobstructed view of the Milky Way. Clear nights will offer a view of the swirling band of light that makes up our home galaxy--something that only the darkest skies in our country can offer. The Bitterroot Valley also has plenty of epic stargazing that will offer views of the Milky Way. Or, if you're feeling super ambititous, hike Sinopah Mountain near Two Medicine Lake in Glacier National Park to get up close and personal with the galaxy. The view is out of this world!

Natalia is a Hufflepuff and proud Universal Team Member who has worked in the parks and behind the scenes for several years. Some of the things that bring her joy are a good mac and cheese, a nice afternoon nap, cute Pugs and Frenchies, and defending the galaxy on Men In Black.

Just as we near the end of the hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean, winds whirl and clouds churn 2 billion miles away in the atmosphere of Uranus, forming a dark vortex large enough to engulf two-thirds of the United States.

Lawrence Sromovsky of the University of Wisconsin-Madison leads a team that used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to take the first definitive images of a dark spot on Uranus. The elongated feature measures 1,100 miles by 1,900 miles (1,700 kilometers by 3,000 kilometers).

There have been prior unconfirmed sightings of dark spots on Uranus, including sketches made in the early 1900s, low-contrast ultraviolet Voyager spacecraft flyby images in 1986, and near-infrared observations taken from a ground-based observatory in 1993. However, no other Hubble images taken almost every summer from 1994 through early 2006 have shown such a dark spot. This indicates that the current dark disturbance probably formed very recently, researchers said.

Although rare on Uranus, dark spots have been frequently observed on Neptune. Uranus is similar in size and atmospheric composition to Neptune, but it has not appeared to have as active an atmosphere. Recently, however, Uranus's atmosphere has shown an increase in activity.

The development of a dark spot may be a signal of the oncoming uranian northern spring, said researchers. Uranus is approaching its December 2007 equinox, when the Sun will shine directly over the equator. "We have hypothesized that Uranus might become more Neptune-like as it approached its equinox," said team member Heidi B. Hammel of the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. "The sudden appearance of this unusual dark feature suggests we might be right."

The dark spot was detected at a latitude of 27 degrees in Uranus's northern hemisphere, which is just now becoming fully exposed to sunlight after many years of being in shadow. Astronomers are keenly interested in how strongly and quickly the atmosphere of Uranus seems to be responding to seasonal sunlight changes.

This three-wavelength composite image was taken with Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys on August 23, 2006. The research team found the dark spot again on August 24. The inset image shows a magnified view of the spot with enhanced contrast. Uranus's north pole is near the 3 o'clock position in this image. The bright band in the southern hemisphere is at 45 degrees south. e24fc04721

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