Urologist Uncovers How to Increase Penis Length & Girth Naturally with African Herbs & Savage Grow Plus

Above picture (Somba / Batammariba Tribesmen Popular for their use of Herbs Ritual for Penis Enlargement

Medicals Research Foundation confirms 14 Essential Herbs for Penis Enlargement, Libido Boosting, Stopping Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation

At last, men all over the world can now grow their penis naturally and enhance their male organ to function at its best state.

These African herbs (which is now accessible worldwide) are being used by people in the west regions of Africa for penis enlargement and sexual empowerment.

The most popular people who use these herbs are the Somba / Batammariba tribes men who are known for their penis elongation rituals.

Sex is good and it is the number one thing that keeps a relationship going.

Women love it when their man is well endowed in their penis, and by various studies carried out on women's preference for penis size, majority want a penis that's at least 8 inches long and 5 inches in girth.

Women claim that the longer and thicker a penis is, it reaches deeper into them and touches sensitive walls in their honey pot.

This makes them enjoy sex to the fullest, and as such reach explosive orgasms quicker.

If you have an average size penis that's less than 7 inches or have a really small penis that's under 6.5 inches, your woman may secretly be fantasizing about bigger penis.

Don't blame them, they have at one time been exposed to porn movies, seeing the beauty and glory of what a really long and thick penis looks like and the pleasure derived from it.

Also women discuss these things secretly with their girlfriends and if your girl is someone who doesn't care much about being faithful, she would secretly choose to have an affair outside for this sake if she finds you small or average.

A lot of men who have small or average penis know they need to look bigger, since it's more attractive and respectable.

It is because of this - that many men search the web for penis enlargement solutions and many fall prey to junk pills, pumps and stretchers that cause more trouble than solution.

Many even try out exercises like jelqing, among others, only to be disappointed at the end of many trials.

Seriously speaking,

I have tried all of these in the past, jelqing and taking junk pills.

Jelqing almost ruined my penile veins, and the pills were just a waste of time.

It is on my quest to treat PE and be the man that I have always desired to be, that's a man with a fuller and healthier penis that led me to finally come across what eventually worked for me.

I paid a visit to an urologist Dr. Stevenson at his Sydney clinic, Australia in October 2020.

I watched a TV program that same October in which this urologist talked much on the subject of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

I had suffered PE for some years, and for this purpose, after having tried certain prescriptions with no results, I decided to visit Dr. Stevenson.

There was something about Dr. Stevenson and the confidence he showed when he talked about African herbs being the cure for these ailments.

So when I met with him, he discussed intensively on the subject of African herbs for male enhancement and how this was also able to help solve my other secret need, which is to also grow my penis bigger.

After consultation with him that day, he prescribed African herbs in the form of capsules and that this was all I needed to treat my PE and add some natural inches to my penis.

I believed it would cure the PE, but had 50/50 thoughts about it growing my penis.

By the time I finished 3 bottles of the African herbs capsules called Savage Grow Plus capsules, my premature ejaculation was cured.

And I had added 2.6 extra inches to my penis.

Making me look longer and thicker.

Dr. Stevenson did not try to cajole me to get an operation done.

I have had 2 urologists try to deceive me in the past - that surgery was the only way out.

Am glad I didn't do it, as that would have endangered my penis and made me waste over $3k, all for nothing. Worse more, it probably would have ruined my health and stamina and career as a local wrestler and fitness trainer.

For many men out there who may be suffering from erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation or small or average size anxiety,

I strongly warn you against surgery. Don't ever take that as an option, except all else fails and that remains just the only option available.

On this platform, I am enjoining all men who wish to get help and solution in this area, to try out African herbs capsule, that is Savage Grow Plus capsules. The capsules contain the 14 active herbs.

It is 100% safe, made in USA, and manufactured by a company that's FDA approved and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified.

Dr Stevenson is the vice president of Global Medicals Research Foundation Australia and you can learn more about these 14 herbs and Savage Grow Plus capsules and more at the foundation website


I believe this will help a lot of men out there.

Jim Clason

Am a fitness trainer and a local wrestler. My greatest dream is to make it one day soonest into WWW.