Circle AFLA

AFLA 2022 Conference Community Circle for Language Acquisition Tara Devlin, Facilitator

Sept. 17, 2022

Sample One-pager for teachers about circles

Circles can be used for:

● Reflection (after a project, trip, event)

● To Discuss Topics or Issues (Islamophobia, Stealing, etc.)

● Community Building (Getting to Know Each Other, Building Trust, Storytelling)

● Introduce and Practice Skill Building - CCLs/Building Blocks

● Restore Community or Conflict/Resolution - We don’t recommend this if you have not

been trained. You have to first build a community or there is nothing to restore.

Purpose of a Circle:

● It allows all voices to be heard (talking piece).

● All barriers are removed, like desks, so students are open to one another.

● A circle has no beginning or ending, so all participants are equal, including a circle

keeper, who is a participant. The keeper facilitates the discussion/activity but should not dominate it.

Essentials in Running a Circle:

○ Set up Centerpiece - creates a focal point. You can set talking pieces and materials on the centerpiece.

○ Set up Chairs

○ Think about seating. Do you need assigned seating for translation and good flow of conversation?

○ Have materials ready.


Opening Ceremony - distinguishes the circle from other activities

Introduce Talking piece - regulates the dialogue and acts as an equalizer. You

can choose a talking piece that relates to the topic of circle and share the story.

Discuss values and guidelines - participants design their own space with their

own guidelines and values. Group should come to a consensus and verbally

agree. If you do this once, you can just remind students of the guidelines.

Activity/Guiding Questions - Stimulates conversation/participation.

Closing - acknowledges the efforts of participants.


○ Reflect - Think about what went well and what changes you might make for next time.

Mindfulness moment, breathe work etc. Opening words



Talking piece, Facilitator,

State the purpose: To explore each other's values and place-based knowledge we all bring to the classroom/ explore values vocabulary, nature/ urban vocabulary

VALUES: Piece of paper, What values do you need to feel safer in the circle?

VALUES VOCABULARY EXAMPLE (word bank, teacher model)


Use the talking piece

Listen to understand, not to speak next

Talk from your own feelings and personal experience Try to assume the best

Flow in flow out

May pass

May use partner as translator, in a whisper

May ask for clarification without talking piece


Game: Pass the ball and say “what’s up, friend?” in your language of choice. Go around the circle with a talking piece.

Facilitator Explains that two questions will lead us to community building and vocabulary connection to the text/ poem/ theme.

First Question: What is the connection you have to the languages you teach and/or speak?

Sentence starter:

I connect to the ______________ language because my grandmother spoke it in Poland.

Second Question: When you were learning another language, what did you wish people knew about you?

Final Question: How do you see this working in your language classroom?

What are your questions or wonderings about the process of community circles?

After the last person has spoken, the facilitator may ask if there are any comments left.

Check out round

Closing ceremony:

End with a closing quote or poem.

How can we understand student motivation through circle conversations

Community Talking Circle Questions to consider

How can community circles help connect or solidify new vocabulary?

How can we understand student motivation through circle conversations?

How does engagement with peers in a circle create a safer space for students to explore their language skills?

How do circle processes with peers help uplift student strengths of cultural/linguitic/ background knowledge?

How can circle conversations empower student voice in dismantling racism, sexism, ableism, and bias?

How can community circles be brought into your current class structures, routines or upcoming content?