
I am currently a Junior Assistant Professor of Economics at the Department of Law of the University of Palermo, involved with the project entitled: "ROBOCOP - RObotics and BOttlenecks in Changing OccuPations".

I am also working as a Consultant at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), contributing to the "Industry, Services, and the Future of Development in Asia" project.

I completed a PhD in Economics, Management and Statistics at the University of Messina (Italy) in December 2020. 

My PhD Dissertation focused on the impact of automation and globalization on labor market outcomes. In July 2021, it received the "Andrea Vaona" award for the best Doctoral Dissertation in Economics.

My main research interests lie in Political Economy and Applied Econometrics, primarly in the fields of Macroeconomics, Economic Growth and Development. 

Past positions held:

Contact details:

Antonio Francesco Gravina

Junior Assistant Professor of Economics

Department of Law

University of Palermo

Piazza Bologni, 8

90134 PALERMO (PA) 

Email: antoniofrancesco.gravina at unipa.it

University page

Further links:

Here you can find my Google Scholar, LinkedIn and ResearchGate profiles.