

Help with housing arrangements and ongoing apartment upkeep

Contact: Lois Koh

Donate household goods via our SignUpGenius


Help with navigating the health care system and health insurance

Contact: Timothy Huang


Help with navigating the school systems and ESL tutoring

Contact: Lilian Wang


Help with the job search process and offer ongoing support

Contact: Eric Chiu


Help arrange transportation needs and provide rides to and from locations

Contact: John Cintolo

Cultural Mentor Team

Help teach US cultural customs, mentor the family in a "big brother/sister" role, go on family outings, offer technology support

Contact: Natalie Chong, Leon He

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the form below!

If that doesn't work, you can access the form directly here: https://forms.gle/LpZ8htgFzJwyw15R6