Affordable SEO

Salterra Focuses on Cheap Search Engine Optimization , and Website Marketing for Many Businesses. We concentrate on your own objectives and also have lead-generating plans for each budget.

Affordable SEO Prices

Our pricing is dynamic and extremely competitive. Don’t pay more than you need to!

Affordable Small Business SEO Service

With over 10 years of experience and a data driven approach to SEO, we’re able to deliver lasting and consistent results. Since search engine optimization is a marathon and not a sprint, we focus on earning higher ranks that will stand the test of time.

We don’t cut corners and neither should you. Nothing is more important than your reputation!

Best Practices for Quick Wins in Affordable SEO

Increase Your On-Page SEO

External factors often take the spotlight when people talk about SEO. But while links, social interactions and other outside signals are important for rankings, one cannot ignore the role played by on-page SEO.

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On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing individual web pages (their content and source code especially) to rank higher in the SERPs and earn more traffic. If that sounds complicated, fear not. On-page SEO isn't rocket science and you can cover your bases with the simple tips below:

  • Title: The title tag should capture what the page is about. For best results, include the target keyword, make sure it reads well, and keep it to 70 characters or fewer.
  • Description: A page's description doesn't count for rankings, but it's not useless. The description can make a huge difference in the click-through rate, so keep it relevant and optimized.
  • User-Friendly URLs: Keep your URLs short and easy to read. Include your primary keyword so readers have a better idea what's on the page before they click.
  • Keyword Frequency: Google may not use keyword density, but it does look at the number of times a keyword appears on a piece of content. Use the target phrase a couple of times in the body of your post.
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Link Building

One of the SEO’s most-yielding techniques is link building. Our link builders create unfailing link networks of a website’s internal structure as well as a link profile for all external connections. This not only assures connectivity within a website and between websites but also improves visibility. Your business keywords receive an extra thrust with valid link building.

Search engine optimization is a detailed discipline and no other technique can accomplish the result that the entire approach can attain. Our SEO services for small businesses thrive on the strategies that our experts hatch through research and analysis. Our actions are planned to promote clients’ websites to a better and vantage point in the search engine rank ladder. We furnish the results for all projects with reports that itemize the links and keyword ranking for increased traffic flow and sales.

Getting Long Term Results

Most cheap SEO services will blast your website with spammy links which may get you ranking for a few weeks, but then you'll be penalized and lose all rankings. With our packages, we build quality links that deliver lasting results.

We don't just sell affordable SEO packages. We offer expert help via phone, skype, email and livechat and will personally tell you what needs changing on your site and what else you can do to achieve the best results in your business.