Silver Jubilee Convention

to celebrate 25years of CFD journey


CFD Division, Aeronautical Society of India


HAL Management Academy, Bangalore, India


11th August 2023


14th Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference

30 October - 2 November, 2023 


HAL Management Academy, Bengaluru, India

The Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ACFD) facilitates sharing of scholarly work on trends, recent developments and applications of CFD. The aim of the conference is to promote scientific and technological co-operation among Asian countries.There will be keynote and invited lectures and plenary sessions by globally leading personalities on the subject. High quality work in the field of CFD will be shared through several parallel sessions.

The Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI), a professional society to promote the growth of Aeronautics in India formed the CFD division on August 11, 1998. This division serves as a formal setup for overseeing and coordinating conferences, colloquia, symposia and other technical meetings with a view of promoting research and development in industrial, academic and commercial areas of CFD.

The CFD division organizes a CFD symposium every year on its foundation day among other promotional activities. This year the division completes 25 years and to commemorate the event, a Silver Jubilee Convention was held on 11th August 2023. Prior to the Convention, a Student Workshop was conducted in May/June 2023 and a call of Thesis awards was sent out to encourage and award meritorious applications of CFD among the student community. Selected students from workshop and with best thesis were given awards on the day of the Silver Jubilee convention. This event was planned to bring together the CFD community for a technical interaction and to celebrate the growth of CFD in India. Big thanks to all the CFD practitioners, Industry experts, Academic researchers, Students and CFD enthusiasts who participated in this event and made it a grand success.

Student Workshop (Closed)

Student Thesis Awards (Registration for 2023 closed)