
2024/07/02 (주) 웨스코 일렉트로드 산학협력 연구실에 지정되었습니다.

Our laboratory has been designated as a Wesco Electrode industry-academic cooperation research lab. 

2024/07/01 정명진 학생이 연구실 8기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

8th internship program was started with an undergraduate student

2024/06/27 대한환경공학회 전문가그룹 학술대회에서 우수논문상을 수상했습니다.

Prof. Park received the Outstanding Paper Award at the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers Expert Group Conference. 

2024/05/14 스승의날 저녁 모임이 있었습니다.

We recently had a dinner gathering on Teacher's Day with both current lab members and alumni.  

2024/02/22 연구실 7기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 종료하고 최종 발표회를 하였습니다

7th internship program was finished. We had presentations by the internship student 

2024.01.25-26 연구실 동계 워크샵을 다녀 왔습니다.

We had a winter workshop in Daegu.

2024/01/08 조유림, 서예린 학생이 연구실 7기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

7th internship program was started with an undergraduate student

2023.12.13 - 15 태국에서 열린 IWA Sustainable Natural and Engineered Water Systems Management

 학회에 참석하였습니다.

Our lab attended the IWA Conference on Sustainable Natural and Engineered Water Systems Management in Bangkok, Thailand.

2023/12/02 - 08 남아공에서 열린 IWA NOM8 학회에 참석하였습니다.

Our lab attended 8th International Water Association Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter (NOM8)

2023/11/01 - 03 환경공학회에 참석하였습니다.

Our lab attended the KSEE conference in Pusan

2023/10/04 우리 연구실 조성혁 학생이 한국막학회 부울경지부 학술대회에서 우수 구두발표 논문상을 수상했습니다!

Our lab's student, Sunghyeok Cho, has won the Excellent Oral Presentation Paper Award at the Regional Conference of the Korean Membrane Society ! 

2023/05/15 스승의날 저녁 모임이 있었습니다.

We recently had a dinner gathering on Teacher's Day with both current lab members and alumni.  

2023/02/13-14 연구실 동계 워크샵을 다녀 왔습니다.

We had a winter workshop. 

2023/02/17 동현 학생이 석사학위를 잘 마치고 졸업하였습니다. 축하합니다!

Donghyen Lee graduated with a master's degree. Congratulations!

2023/02/16 연구실 5기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 종료하고 최종 발표회를 하였습니다

5th internship program was finished. We had presentations by the internship student 

2023/01/02 황일권 학생이 연구실 5기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

5th internship program was started with an undergraduate student

2022/11/09-11 환경공학회에 참석하였습니다.

Our lab attended the KSEE conference in Jeju island.

2022/08/19 이소정, 임도경 학생이 석사학위를 잘 마치고 졸업하였습니다. 축하합니다!

Sojung Lee and Dokyeoung Lim graduated with a master's degree. Euijun Jeong graduated with a bachelor's degree. Congratulations!

2022/08/18 연구실 4기 인턴쉽 프로그램 종료하고 최종 발표회를 하였습니다

4th internship program was finished. We had presentations by the internship students 

2022/07/05 황일권, 김동준, 조성혁 학생과 연구실 4기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

4th internship program was started with undergraduate students

2022/05/13 석사과정 임도경 학생이 학술대회에서 우수 포스터 발표상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다!

Dokyeoung Lim won the best poster presentation award by the Korean Society for Environmental Analysis. Congratulations!

2022/04/19 석사과정 이소정 학생이 SCIE 저널에 논문 게재를 완료했습니다! 축하합니다! 

Sojung Lee published a research paper in SCIE. Congratulations!

(Identification of Dissolved Organic Matter Origin Using Molecular Level Analysis Methods, Water, 14, 1317, )

2022/02/20 연구실 3기 인턴쉽 프로그램 종료하고 최종 발표회를 하였습니다

3nd internship program was finished. We had presentations by the internship students 

2022/01/04 남현욱, 정다은 학생과  연구실 3기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

3rd internship program was started with undergraduate students (Nam hyunk, Jeong Daeun)

2021/11/03-05 환경공학회에 참석하였습니다.

Our lab attended the KSEE conference in Jeju island.

2021/08/20 이동현 학생이 학부과정을 졸업하였습니다. 축하합니다!

Donghyeon Lee graduated from Changwon National University. Congratulations!

2021/08/19 연구실 2기 인턴쉽 프로그램이 종료하고 최종 발표회를 하였습니다.

2nd internship program was finished. We had presentations by the internship students 

2021/07/05 남현욱, 신지윤, 허강헌 학생과  연구실 2기 인턴쉽 프로그램을 시작하였습니다.

2nd internship program was started with undergraduate students (Nam hyunk, Shin Jiyun, Heo gangheon)

2021/07/02 UNIST 과일집을 방문하여 과학예술융합에 대해 공부하였습니다. 

2nd internship program was started with undergraduate students (Nam hyunk, Shin Jiyun, Heo gangheon)

2021/04/05 대한환경공학회지 2021년 2월호에 투고한 논문이 '이달의 연구'논문으로 선정되었습니다.

Our research paper was selected as a paper of the month (Feb.2021) from the Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers. 

2021/02/18 우리 연구실 1기 인턴십프로그램 참여 학생들이 발표회를 통해 그간의 성과와 느낀점을 공유하였습니다.

We had presentations by the internship students who participated in the 1st A_EDM internship program

2020/12/07 우리 연구실 학부연구생 이동현, 정의준 학생이 대한환경공학회 '제8회 종합설계 경진대회'에서 우수상을 수상하였습니다.

Donghyeon Lee & Euijun Jeong won the 3rd prize at the Capstone Design Competition  organized by Korean society of environmental engineers

2020/06/19 우리 연구실 학부연구생 이동현 학생이 UNIST 여름 인턴쉽 프로그램 (기간: 7.6 - 7.30) 에 합격했습니다.

Donghyeon Lee is selected UNIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (U-SURF)

2020/04/17 환경기술개발사업 선정 (신종 미량 오염물질 수생태계 유입 부하량 예측 기술 개발)

Our lab was selected to receive the R&D Program on environmental technology development from the Ministry of Environment.

Project name: Model development for predicting contaminants of emerging concerns

2020/02/26 개인기초연구사업 선정 (딥 러닝 기법을 이용한 자연유기물질 초정밀 분석 기법 개발)

Our lab was selected to receive the New Researcher Support Project from the National Research Foundation.

Project name: Deep learning for advanced natural organic matter characterization

2019/09/01 Aquatic Environmental Data Mining(A_EDM) Lab. 연구실 시작

Our lab(A_EDM) opened in September, 2019 in the School of Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering