Who Can File a Case for Wrongful Death?

According to the civil law, an action for wrongful death must be initiated by the executor or administrator of the deceased person's estate.

  • The estate executor pursues the wrongful death claim on behalf of the deceased's immediate family members, who are often the surviving husband and children, in order to recover damages.

  • It is possible for the parents of the deceased to launch a wrongful death case on their behalf if there is no surviving spouse or children. The ability to sue for wrongful death exists even if the child was an adult at the time of the accident that caused his or her death.

  • A wrongful death case is brought on behalf of the deceased person's lawful heirs if the deceased person's parents, spouse, or children are no longer alive and cannot be found.

There are wrongful death lawyers in Tampa for a family suffering the death of a loved one due to carelessness. When a loved one dies too soon, as a result of a car accident or other preventable disaster, it is one of life's most painful tragedies to see. A loss can have a devastating impact on the mental and financial well-being of a family. If your loved one passes away, your family may face unexpected medical expenses and burial fees, as well as the loss of that person's domestic support. During such trying times, families deserve compassion, understanding, and dependable legal counsel from professionals. Tampa attorneys who are sympathetic to your situation can investigate the circumstances behind your relative's sudden death and advise you on your legal options.

They are beautiful individuals coping with horrific situations, such as the death of loved ones in accidents caused by the negligence of others. There are lovely people and lawyers who are dealing with horrible situations. Under the law, the immediate family members of a wrongful death victim have the right to hold the culpable parties accountable and to seek compensation for their losses. While no amount of money will ever fully compensate for the loss of a loved one, wrongful death compensation can give financial stability and aid a family in their efforts to avoid bankruptcy. The holding individuals have found accountable whose negligence or disregard for safety resulted in an avoidable death can assist families in finding closure in their grieving process.

What Kinds of Losses Am I Entitled to Recover?

According to the Code of Laws, the types of monetary compensation — known as damages — that may be obtained in a successful wrongful death case include:

    • costs of a funeral and burial

    • medical costs incurred prior to death for the dead person's medical care

    • income and benefits lost

    • the absence of the deceased's care and company

    • the surviving immediate family's anguish and suffering

Punitive damages, sometimes known as exemplary damages, may be granted in exceptional circumstances when wrongful death was caused by purposeful acts or misconduct. Punitive damages are intended to penalize an offender while also acting as deterrence to future wrongdoing.

If a wrongful death action is successful, the proceeds will be shared among the spouse, children, parents, and heirs in the proportions to which they would have been lawfully entitled if their loved one died without a will.