
A collection of things about me/that I do. (This seems poorly designed, yes, apologies; the hope is that it fills out with many diverse things and makes sense eventually.)

I read

"I spend most of my time reading just about anything" finds its way to most of my self-introductions. Here is an exhaustive list of (non-academic) books I've read since 2021, which is when I decided to start reading with purpose. 

I like reading about all kinds of things, but morality, existentialism, alienation, guilt, and memory seem to always strike a chord. I am currently reading Murakami, Ishiguro, Dostoevsky and Vonnegut.

I write

Here is a collection of articles that I have written at various points, some might call it a blog.

Below are reviews of some courses that I took at IITB, published on the EE Department Academic Mentorship Program (EE-DAMP) website. 

And naturally, for completeness, I have also written a few technical reports and publications, which you can find linked near their associated projects on this website or on my Google Scholar profile. 

I puzzle

I enjoy crosswords, chess (which I like to think of as the information-theoretic version of football, my favourite sport), and euclidea