Chapter 32 - The Deluge

Back at the Feria Ground, the Mayor read the note but thought it to be a prank. An hour later, when he had not been able to locate his son, either in the crowd or later at his home he started to get worried.

His wife was already beside herself with worries and begged her husband to get in contact with the local police. But the note had specifically forbidden that. Anyway, until he made contact in the market the following day there was nothing they could do. They had no idea who the kidnappers were, what they wanted or where to start looking for their son.

A late meeting of the town council was called, but after outlining the situation, it was decided that nothing could be done until they had more information. All they could do, was to stake out the market stall the next day and wait until the kidnappers delivered their demands.


Meanwhile the weather was getting more humid by the hour.

In the storm drain, the Mayor's son was whimpering and complaining he was hungry and cried that he was missing his mum.

Nobody took any notice of this, looking in distaste at his obese body which he had stuffed with comfort food for years. Surely he could survive a day without a packet of crisps.

They all tried to get some sleep, intending to mingle in the market the following day, leaving Gammelnok to guard the kidnap victim.

Morning came early at this time of the year and soon the sun came over the horizon. But it did not reveal a cheerful sight. Tall cumulus clouds were forming high in the sky. The weather was already hot and humid. The birds were not singing as they normally did at dawn. The air around them felt heavy, ominous and threatening.

Still the group of five made for the market to watch the ransom note exchange at midday.

And then it started. A few heavy drops at first, but soon it was pouring down. An unseasonal weather phenomenon had decided to settle itself over this part of Andalusia. The group of five were soon drenched to the skin and sought shelter were they could. The girls being more aware of what was happening urged them to get back to the storm drain and warn Gammelnok to get out and take the Mayor's son with him. They would be in grave danger of drowning once the rain started to flow down from the hills above and channel through their hiding place inside the storm drain like a raging river.

It was decided that the boys would continue to the market while the girls made their way back to warn Gammelnok. They reckoned they had at most half an hour before the waters would start down the hillside. Making their way along streets already ankle deep in water and flowing fast as the curb side drains were unable to cope with the volume, they reached the road above the storm drain.

Too late! They watched as Gammelnok and the Mayor's son were swept out and down the ravine towards the river and the Atlantic Ocean.

Storm Drain

Storm Drain

Cumulus Cloud

Cumulus Cloud

