
Learn About the Adventure

Complete at least Requirements 1 and 2. Requirements 3 and 4 are optional.

  1. Pick one type of engineer. With the help of the Internet, your local library, or an engineer, discover three things that describe what that engineer does. (To use the Internet, be sure that you have a current Cyber Chip or that you have permission from your Webelos den leader, parent, or guardian.) Share your findings with your Webelos den.

  2. Learn to follow engineering design principles by doing the following:

(a) Examine a set of blueprints or specifications. Using these as a model, prepare your own set of blueprints or specifications to design a project.
(b) Using the blueprints or specifications from your own design, complete your project. Your project may be something useful or something fun.
(c) Share your project with others at a den or pack meeting.
  1. Explore other fields of engineering and how they have helped form our past, present, and future.

  2. Pick and do two projects using the engineering skills you have learned. Share your projects with your den, and also exhibit them at a pack meeting.

Learn About Engineers

Engineering Projects

Defense Engineering: Catapult

Defense engineers develop items that assist in protecting our country. Around 400 BC, defense engineers in Greece developed catapults to shoot projectiles long distances.

Craft Stick Launcher

You can build a simple machine with craft sticks to launch paper balls and other soft projectiles.

Materials: ☐ 10 craft sticks, ☐ 4 rubber bands, ☐ plastic spoon, ☐ Paper


  1. Stack five craft sticks together. Secure them at each end with a rubber band.

  2. Wedge the sixth craft stick in between the bottom stick and the rest of the stack. Stick it out on one side about an inch.

  3. Place the plastic spoon on top of the single craft stick - handle of the spoon meeting the smaller part on the single craft stick.

  4. Secure the handle and the stick with the third rubber band.

  5. To use the launcher, put a crumpled up paper ball on the spoon, pull the spoon down as far as you can, and then release it.

  6. Does changing the design by adding more popsicle sticks or adjusting where the spoon is placed affect the accuracy or power of your catapult?

Aerospace Engineering : Mini Stomp Rocket

Aerospace engineers design aircraft and spacecraft. Among the challenges they face is making vehicles that are light enough to take off but also safe enough to carry humans. A stomp rocket is a fun way to test aerodynamics, which is the study of the effects of air on items in motion.

Mini Stomp Rocket (from babbledabbledo.com - https://babbledabbledo.com/juicy-diy-stomp-rockets/)


  • ☐ Empty Capri Sun or other plastic juice pouch container

  • ☐ Flexible Drinking Straw

  • ☐ Paper

  • ☐ Pencil

  • ☐ Tape

  • ☐ Scissors

  • ☐ Glue Stick

  • Optional: Washi Tape, Ruler


  1. The Launcher

    • If you have not already, drink the juice! You need an empty pouch.

    • Discard the straw that came with the drink pouch.

    • Snip off the end of the flexible drinking straw on the short end (nearest to the flexible bend) so that it has a point.

    • Insert the pointed end of the straw into the juice pouch’s hole.

2. The Rocket

  • Cut a 3 inch by 3 inch piece of paper. Roll it around the pencil to make a paper tube.

  • Tape along the seam and remove the pencil.

  • Construct the fins by cutting three strips of paper about ¾” wide by 2.5” long.

  • Glue two of the ends together.

  • Tape the rocket body into the joint of the papers you just glued together.

  • Glue the third fin to the flaps of the other two fins. Trim the ends at a downward angle.

  • Add a piece of tape across the top to seal the rocket.

  1. Launch

    • Inflate the juice pouch by blowing into the flexible straw.

    • Slide the rocket over the launcher.

    • Bend the straw to aim the rocket up.

    • Place the juice pouch on the ground and stomp!

Architectural Engineering: Stability Challenge

Architectural engineers design amazing buildings and other structures—some reach a half-mile high! Ancient engineers built amazing structures, too, without using modern machines. The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt contains 2.3 million stones weighing 2 to 30 tons each! The builders used a block and tackle to lift very heavy objects that would otherwise not be movable.

One type of block and tackle works by using two pulleys to lift a weight. You thread a rope through the pulleys, and attach a weight to the bottom. You then pull on the other end of the rope. Because of the pulleys, you can lift a weight of 100 pounds by exerting just 25 pounds of force. Pretty cool!

Want to see how they built them? Watch:

Engineering Stability Challenge

Materials: ☐ 100 index cards

Challenge: Using only 100 index cards see how tall of a freestanding tower you can build.

  • You can fold, tear, crumple, etc.

  • You cannot use tape, glue, or scissors

Civil Engineering: Discover Bridge Safety

Civil engineers design bridges, roads, tunnels, and other structures. Part of their job is planning for the different forces that will affect what they build. These forces include torsion (the twisting that happens when wind hits a building) and load (such as the weight of cars and trucks crossing a bridge). Sometimes they account for these forces by making a structure flexible. Sometimes they account for these forces by transferring them to other parts of the structure.

To find out how engineers build safe bridges watch:

Electrical Engineering: Graphite Light

Electrical engineers design, maintain, and improve products that are powered by or produce electricity. They will often design, assemble, and test new devices. Although some of the devices they work on are very complex, these devices are all based on simple electrical circuits. The lights in your house work by the switch closing a circuit.

Graphite Light

You can make a simple working circuit on a piece of paper!


☐ LED light,

☐ paper,

☐ graphite pencil,

☐ 9v battery,

Optional: Tape

(Save the 9v battery and LED they will also be used in ‘Adventures in Science’


  1. Draw a heavy lined shape that barely does not connect on two sides.

  2. Mark positive (+) and negative (-) on each end of the lines.

  3. Set the battery’s positive (+) and negative (-) ends on the corresponding lines.

  4. Attach the LED wires to it’s (+) and (-) lines. Tip: the longer wire is the positive end.

Chemical Engineering: Changing a Penny’s Color

Chemical engineers apply their understanding of chemistry and chemical processes to tackle all sorts of problems ranging from fuel production to the purification of drinking water. Sometimes their work involves creating chemical reactions; sometimes it involves preventing chemical reactions from happening.

Changing a Penny’s Color (from thoughtco.com)

You can experiment with chemical reactions by using a penny and some vinegar. Tip: Pennies made in 1982 or earlier are solid copper. They will have a better reaction in this experiment.


☐ 5 dull pennies,

☐ ¼ c. vinegar,

☐ 1 tsp. Salt,

☐ 1 clear glass cup or bowl,

☐ 2 paper towels,

☐ 2 plates


  1. Pour the salt and vinegar into the clear glass cup/ bowl. Stir until the salt dissolves.

  2. Carefully dip 1 penny halfway into the salt/ vinegar solution and hold it there for 20 seconds.

    1. Remove the penny. What do you see?

    2. Pennies get dull over time because the copper in the pennies slowly reacts with air to form copper oxide. Pure copper metal is bright and shiny, but the oxide is dull and greenish. When you place the pennies in the salt and vinegar solution, the acetic acid from the vinegar dissolves the copper oxide, leaving behind shiny clean pennies. The copper from the copper oxide stays in the liquid. You could use other acids instead of vinegar, like lemon juice.

  3. Put the other 4 pennies in the solution and let them sit for 5 minutes.

  4. Prepare two plates and line them with the paper towels.

  5. After the five minutes is up, put two of the pennies on one plate.

  6. Take the other two and rinse them well under running water. Put these on the second plate to dry.

  7. Wait one hour.

    1. Come back and check on them. What do you see?

    2. Rinsing the pennies with water stops the reaction between the salt/vinegar and the pennies. They will slowly turn dull again over time, but not quickly enough for you to watch! On the other hand, the salt/vinegar residue on the unrinsed pennies promotes a reaction between the copper and the oxygen in the air. The resulting blue-green copper oxide is commonly called 'verdigris'. It is a type of patina found on a metal, similar to tarnish on silver. The oxide forms in nature as well, producing minerals such as malachite and azurite.

Mechanical Engineering: Weather Vane

Mechanical engineers touch almost every aspect of technology. They create machines, products, and

technological systems that benefit society in many ways. Anything that has moving parts was designed

with help from a mechanical engineer.

A weather vane is a simple machine that shows which way the wind is blowing. It’s a good example of a machine with moving parts.


☐ A piece of clay,

☐ thin cardboard - like a cereal box or cardstock,

☐ Pencil with a fresh eraser,

☐ Pin,

☐ Straw,

☐ Scissors,

☐ Markers or crayons

Optional: Compass


  1. Cut a square piece from the cereal box. From the leftover box, also cut and arrow point (a.k.a. triangle) and tail in the shape of a trapezoid.

  2. Snip a slit into each end of the straw. Insert the arrow point into one end of the straw and the trapezoid tail into the other end.

  3. On the blank side of the cardboard square mark North, South, East, and West on their respective sides.

  4. Roll the clay into a ball and place it in the center of the cardboard.

  5. Stick the tip of the pencil into the clay - eraser end up.

  6. Use the pin to fasten the straw to the top of the center of the eraser.

  7. Take it outside and use the compass to orient it correctly. Or, if you know where north is just put it facing that direction.

  8. Now, sit back and observe! The arrow will point in the direction the wind is blowing.