Good Knights

Learn About the Adventure

Current requirements can be seen HERE as well as found in your rank manual - along with great ideas for completion. We guide you through the completion of the requirements in bold below.

Complete Requirements 1 and 2 plus at least two others.

  1. With your den, parent/guardian, or other caring adult, say the Scout Law. Explain to your den one of the 12 points of the Law and why you think a knight would have the same behavior.

  2. If you have not already done so, make a code of conduct with your den that will describe how each person should act when you are all together. If your den has a code of conduct, discuss with your den the updates it might need. Vote on which actions should go in your den code of conduct.

  3. Create a den shield and a personal shield.

  4. Using recycled materials, design and build a small castle to display at the pack meeting.

  5. Think of one physical challenge that could be part of an obstacle course. Then help your den design a Tiger knight obstacle course. Participate in the course.

  6. Show your understanding of knights' service to others by participating in a service project in your community.

Art Supplies


#1 | The Scout Law

Here are a few fun ways to help your scout memorize the law!

A Scout is












and reverent.


To the tune of Yankee Doodle:

Trustworthy Toby was a Scout

Loyal to his/ her mother,

Helpful to the folks about,

And friendly to his/ her brother.

Courteous to the people he/ she knows,

Kind to his/ her rabbit,

Obedient to his/her parents, too,

And Cheerful in his/her habits.

Thriftly saving for a need,

Brave, not a liar,

Clean in thought and word and deed

And Reverent to his/her Maker.


Use a package of M&Ms to learn the law. Choose a candy and read the scout law line that corresponds to the color - then enjoy!







A Scout is trustworthy, loyal

helpful, friendly,

courteous, kind,

obedient, cheerful,

thrifty, brave

clean, and reverent


CUBS - Kingdom Land.pdf

Welcome to KingdomLand!

To get started print and assemble the game board. Next, cut out the Scout Law color cards and Scout Law icon cards. Shuffle and place face down next to the board.

Finally, acquire your avatar—Lego Men, meeples, coins, etc.

You are ready to embark on your quest!


Scouts make their way through KingdomLand learning the laws to become a valiant knight! But, beware of dragons!

The game is won by landing on or passing the final square and thus being knighted.

#3 | Shield

A valiant knight needs a shield! Bust open the art box and craft a shield from leftover cardboard!


☐ Shield,

☐ marker/ crayons,

☐ misc. craft supplies

Optional: you can use duct or packing tape to fashion a handle on the back

#4 | Castle

Using recycled materials, design and build a small castle with your adult partner to display at the pack meeting.


☐ Recycled boxes/ containers, etc. from your home

☐ scissors,

☐ tape

#5 | Obstacle Course

Think of one physical challenge that could be part of an obstacle course. Then help your knight design an obstacle course. Participate in the course.


☐ Anything!

☐ Cones,

☐ hula hoops,

☐ sidewalk chalk,

☐ chairs,

☐ tables,

☐ a roll of crepe paper - get creative!

#6 | Service Activity

There are so many great ways for Cubs to be of service! It can be anything from helping around the house to organizing a food drive.

One option we think is a great fit for younger scouts is designing cards to send to the troops through Operation Gratitude.
